Browse our range of reports and publications including performance and financial statement audit reports, assurance review reports, information reports and annual reports.
This information report would cover Australian Government grants reporting following on from Auditor-General Report No. 7 2021–22 Australian Government Grants Reporting. The report would provide transparency of, and insights on government grants expenses and Commonwealth entities’ self-reporting of grants on GrantConnect.
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This information report would provide transparency and insights on SES attrition from and movement within the Australian Public Service (APS). The potential data sources include the APS Employment Database, and information published on Gazette. This information report would be neither an audit nor an assurance review and would not present conclusions or opinions.
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The intent of performance statements audits is to drive improvements in the transparency and quality of entities’ performance reporting and, in turn, increase entities’ accountability to the Parliament and public.
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Provides an overview of the annual audit work program including the purpose and key features, and how the program is developed and delivered. Information about the development of the annual audit work program includes details of environmental scanning, topic development, coverage review, consultation, final review and audit selection.
Please direct enquiries relating to the annual audit work program (AAWP) through our contact page.
The consolidated financial statements (CFS) present whole-of-government financial results inclusive of all Australian Government–controlled entities. Also presented are the financial statements of the general government sector (GGS) and disaggregated information on each of the sectors of government.
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Performance statements audits are conducted under the ANAO Auditing Standards. These standards are based on the Standard on Assurance Engagements ASAE 3000 Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information that is issued by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. The aim is to provide reasonable assurance on the quality and reliability of entity performance statements.
Annual performance statements audits are structured similarly to financial statements audits with a planning, interim and final phase to allow entities time to correct issues noted and align with annual report tabling.
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This report will focus on key selected major Defence acquisition projects in accordance with the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) MPR Guidelines.
Increased transparency and accountability on progress with major Defence equipment acquisitions has been a focus of parliamentary interest for some time. Beginning in 2007–08, an annual program has been established in conjunction with the Department of Defence to enable the ANAO to review and report to the Parliament on the status of major Defence acquisition projects, as set out in the major projects report. The review includes information relating to the cost, schedule and progress towards delivery of required capability of individual projects at 30 June each year, and is undertaken at the request of JCPAA.
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The Auditor-General has received correspondence from Ms Kylea Tink MP dated 28 February 2025, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the defence export permit approvals process. This request is under consideration and the response will be published here.
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The Auditor-General responded on 6 February 2025 to correspondence from Dr Anne Webster MP dated 17 January 2025, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine whether the Australian Government's Housing Support Program granted funds in accordance with stated criteria.
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The Auditor-General responded on 20 December 2024 to correspondence from the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP dated 26 November 2024, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the administrative arrangements of the Inclusion Support Program (ISP).
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The Auditor-General responded on 2 December 2024 to correspondence from Dr Helen Haines MP dated 4 November 2024, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation on the actions and decisions of the Priority Community Infrastructure Program (PCIP) and Investing in Our Communities Program (IOCP).
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The Auditor-General responded on Thursday 13 July 2023 to correspondence from Senator Jacqui Lambie dated 16 June 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General consider an audit of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force. The Auditor-General provided a follow-up response to Senator Lambie on 4 October 2023.
The Auditor-General received further correspondence from Senator Lambie on 6 October 2023 and 3 November 2023. The Auditor-General provided a follow-up response to Senator Lambie on 15 November 2023.
The Auditor-General received further follow-up correspondence from Senator Lambie on 18 October 2024. The Auditor-General provided a follow-up response to Senator Lambie on 31 October 2024.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests through our contact page.
The acting Auditor-General responded on 24 September 2024 to correspondence from Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck dated 27 August 2024, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme.
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The acting Auditor-General responded on 26 August 2024 to correspondence from the Hon Paul Fletcher MP dated 30 July 2024 and follow-up correspondence dated 14 August 2024, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation into the investment in PsiQuantum announced by the Australian and Queensland governments on 30 April 2024.
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The acting Auditor-General responded on 14 August 2024 to correspondence from Senator David Shoebridge dated 26 July 2024, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to the use of public funds allocated towards the OneSchool Global schools.
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The acting Auditor-General responded on 24 April 2024 to correspondence from Senator Janet Rice and Senator Penny Allman-Payne dated 27 March 2024, requesting the Auditor-General to conduct an audit of the contract between Miles Morgan Australia and the Department of Health and Aged Care to deliver the Future Fit program.
The acting Auditor-General made a follow-up response to Senator Penny Allman-Payne dated 5 July 2024, on conducting a performance audit into the Administration of the Future Fit Program.
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The Auditor-General wrote to the Minister for Finance on 21 June 2024 to advise of the outcomes of the 2023–24 annual performance statements audit program, and a proposal for expanding the program of audits in 2024–25 and the following two financial years. The Minister for Finance responded on 2 July 2024 supporting the proposal. The Minister for Finance's full response is provided below.
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The acting Auditor-General responded on 27 June 2024 to correspondence from Senator Andrew Bragg dated 5 June 2024, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the contract for legal services between King & Wood Mallesons and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources regarding PSI Quantum.
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The acting Auditor-General responded on 29 February 2024 to correspondence from Hon. Catherine King MP dated 29 January 2024, requesting that the Auditor-General to conduct an assurance review of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) Aids to Navigation (AtoN) procurement.
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The Auditor-General responded on 16 January 2024 to correspondence from Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie dated 22 December 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General to conduct an audit into the Australian Government's $2.2 billion commitment to the Melbourne Suburban Rail Loop Project.
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The Auditor-General responded on 20 December 2023 to correspondence from Ms Zali Steggall MP dated 15 December 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct a review of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, administered by the Attorney-General’s Department.
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The Auditor-General responded on 28 September 2023 to correspondence from Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash dated 5 September 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to assess the adequacy of data collection, performance monitoring and other governance arrangements under the National Legal Assistance Partnership (NLAP) in the Attorney-General’s portfolio.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General wrote to the Minister for Finance on 26 June 2023 to advise of the outcomes of the 2022–23 annual performance statements audit program, and a proposal for expanding the program of audits in 2023–24 and the following two financial years. The Minister for Finance responded on 18 July 2023 supporting the proposal. The Minister for Finance's full response is provided below.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The Auditor-General received correspondence from Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP dated 3 April 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the Community Batteries for Household Solar Program. The Auditor-General responded to the correspondence on 23 May 2023.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 6 April 2023 to correspondence from Senator Andrew Bragg dated 8 March 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation into the costs of the ongoing legal dispute concerning the Commonwealth and Dr Monique Ryan MP. The Auditor-General responded on 11 May 2023 to follow-up correspondence from Senator Bragg dated 18 April 2023, requesting a timeline for finalisation of the 2022–23 financial statements audit of the Department of Finance.
The Auditor-General responded on 15 December 2023 regarding the ANAO enquiries and that the results are published in the Auditor-General Report No.9 (2023-24) Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities ended 30 June 2023 that tabled in the Parliament on 14 December 2023.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 26 April 2023 to correspondence from the Hon David Coleman MP dated 29 March 2023 and 12 April 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct a full investigation into the design and administration of Round 6 of the Mobile Black Spot Program.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General received correspondence from Senator the Hon Don Farrell dated 7 November 2022, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the Parliamentary Expenses Management System project.
The Auditor-General met with Senator the Hon Don Farrell on 24 November 2022 to discuss the concerns raised in the request for audit. The request is being considered in the development of the ANAO 2022–23 Annual Audit Work Program.
The Auditor-General provided a follow-up response to Senator the Hon Don Farrell on 14 April 2023.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Acting Auditor-General responded on 23 February 2023 to correspondence from Hon Mark Dreyfus KC, MP dated 3 February 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General undertake a performance audit of the Expensive Commonwealth Criminal Cases Fund.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 3 February 2023 to correspondence from Senator Nick McKim dated 10 January 2023, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation into decisions by the Department of Home Affairs to engage Management & Training Corporation Pty. Ltd (MTC Australia) to run garrison and welfare services in Nauru for refugees and people who sought asylum in Australia.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General wrote to the Minister for Finance on 25 October 2022 to advise of the outcomes of the 2021–22 annual performance statements audit program, and a proposal for expanding the program of audits in 2022–23 and the following two financial years. The Minister for Finance responded on 16 January 2023 supporting the proposal. The Minister for Finance's full response is provided below.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 23 December 2022 to correspondence from Senator Malcolm Roberts dated 29 November 2022, enquiring about public contributions to the Administration of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements performance audit.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 9 September 2022 to correspondence from Senator the Hon Jonathon Duniam dated 17 August 2022, requesting that the Auditor-General provide feedback on the University of Tasmania's proposal to relocate the Sandy Bay campus to Hobart CBD.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 25 July 2022 to correspondence from former Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells dated 3 June 2022 requesting that the Auditor-General consider a request by Kollaras to examine the performance of the Australian Border Force’s administration of the ‘duty drawback scheme’ in 2019–20.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 5 July 2022 to correspondence from the Hon Richard Marles MP dated 31 May 2022, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to review the Workforce Australia procurement processes.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 2 May 2022 to correspondence from Senator Rex Patrick dated 5 April 2022, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the process in making statutory and other senior appointments across the whole government over the six months preceding the application of caretaker conventions prior to the 2022 Federal election.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 22 April 2022 to correspondence from Senator the Hon Eric Abetz dated 28 March 2022, requesting that the ABC’s defamation case payment be included as a topic in the ANAO’s Annual Audit Work Program 2022–23.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 13 April 2022 to correspondence from Mr Adam Bandt MP dated 24 March 2022, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the integrity of carbon credit methodology determinations made under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011, and the administration of the Act by the Clean Energy Regulator.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 10 March 2022 to correspondence from Senator the Hon Eric Abetz dated 9 February 2022, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the planned relocation of the University of Tasmania.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 17 January 2022 to correspondence from the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP dated 20 December 2021, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine the Australian Government’s administration of Australian Research Council grants.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 17 June 2021 to correspondence from the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC, MP dated 21 May 2021, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an investigation to examine how part-time members of the Social Services and Child Support Division and “sessional part-time members” in the Migration and Refugee Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal are being remunerated.
The Auditor-General provided a follow-up response to the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC, MP on 17 December 2021.
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.