Browse our range of reports and publications including performance and financial statement audit reports, assurance review reports, information reports and annual reports.
You are invited to contribute to the annual audit work program of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO). Please review the draft potential performance audit topic list and tell us what you think.
The Auditor-General is an independent officer of the Parliament whose role is to support accountability and transparency in the Australian Government sector by providing independent reporting to the Parliament. The Auditor-General’s reports assist the Parliament to hold government entities accountable and to drive improvements in public administration.
The Auditor-General is assisted by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) to conduct a range of audits in Australian Government entities, such as:
- mandated annual financial statements audits, including the audit of the Australian Government’s consolidated financial statements;
- performance audits;
- assurance reviews (including the Defence Major Projects Report and audits by arrangement); and
- audits of the annual performance statements and measures of Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies and their subsidiaries.
Contributions must relate to the performance or expenditure of Commonwealth public sector entities. The ANAO does not investigate complaints or disputes, review or provide legal decisions, and does not comment on the merits of government policy and legislation.
You can find information about the ANAO’s approach to the development of the performance audit program and planning criteria in an audit insights on the Auditor-General's annual audit work program.
While your contribution will be considered and handled with care, we will not provide you with feedback on your submission. The confidentiality of your contribution may be protected by law (see section 36 of the Auditor-General Act 1997). In addition, any personal information gathered by the ANAO will be treated in accordance with the ANAO Privacy Policy.
Please send feedback about this draft program to Submissions close on 11 April 2025 at 11:59pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
The ANAO gifts and benefits policy recommends that ANAO employees do not accept any gifts or benefits in their role as an employee of the ANAO. Employees are required to report any offered gift or benefit (whether accepted or refused) within 10 business days of the offer being made, through an internal gifts and benefits register. The data collected through the internal register is reported to the ANAO’s Executive Board of Management, and a subset of the data is reported publicly here.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The objective of the Risk Framework and associated programs of risk management activities is to support effective risk management across all ANAO operations.
Any queries about risk management in the ANAO should be directed to the Senior Director Governance, Corporate Management Group, through our contact page.
The policy for responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) in government includes mandatory requirements to nominate accountable officials and publish AI transparency statements. This statement provides details of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) implementation of these policy requirements.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The Auditor-General voluntarily discloses official expenses and they are updated here every six months. You can subscribe to be notified when the expenses are updated.
Please direct enquiries about the Auditor-General's expenses through our contact page.
The Australian Public Service Employee Census is an annual survey administered by the Australian Public Service Commission. The survey is used to collect confidential attitude and opinion information from APS employees on issues in the workplace. The survey provides an opportunity for ANAO employees to share their experiences of working within our organisation and the public service. This census action plan outlines the key focus areas for the ANAO in responding to the feedback.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The ANAO regards integrity as a core value of the organisation — critical in sustaining the confidence of Parliament, strengthening public trust in government and delivering quality audit products. Maintaining strong institutional integrity is critical to the operations and reputation of the ANAO.
The ANAO Integrity Framework provides an overarching structure to the integrity control system, supporting our institution’s integrity. The Framework serves to assist in ethical decision-making and risk, fraud and misconduct management.
Beyond its control system, the ANAO maintains an enduring focus on promoting integrity as a value that is embedded in our work and culture. The ANAO recognises that integrity demands quality not only in our products but also in the behaviours of our people.
The ANAO Integrity Advisor supports the effective and ongoing application of the Integrity Framework by providing advice to staff regarding integrity matters. The Integrity Advisor is responsible for increasing integrity awareness across the organisation and for reporting annually to the ANAO Executive Board of Management on actions taken under the Framework. The Auditor-General publishes the ANAO Integrity Report to provide increased transparency of the measures we undertake to maintain a high-integrity culture in the ANAO.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The ANAO regards integrity as a core value of the organisation — critical in sustaining the confidence of Parliament, strengthening public trust in government and delivering quality audit products. Maintaining strong institutional integrity is critical to the operations and reputation of the ANAO.
The ANAO Integrity Framework provides an overarching structure to the integrity control system, supporting our institution’s integrity. The framework serves to assist in ethical decision-making and risk, fraud and misconduct management.
Beyond its control system, the ANAO maintains an enduring focus on promoting integrity as a value that is embedded in our work and culture. The ANAO recognises that integrity demands quality not only in our products but also in the behaviours of our people.
The ANAO Integrity Advisor supports the effective and ongoing application of the Integrity Framework by providing advice to staff regarding integrity matters. The Integrity Advisor is responsible for increasing integrity awareness across the organisation and for reporting annually to the ANAO Executive Board of Management on actions taken under the Framework. The Auditor-General publishes the ANAO Integrity Framework and annual Integrity Report to provide increased transparency of the measures we undertake to maintain a high-integrity culture in the ANAO.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
Quality in the delivery of the ANAO’s audit services is critical in supporting the integrity of our audit reports and maintaining the confidence of the Parliament and public sector entities. The ANAO Corporate Plan is the ANAO's primary planning document. It outlines our purpose; the dynamic environment in which we operate; our commitment to building capability; and the priorities, activities and performance measures by which we will be held to account. The ANAO Quality Management Framework and Plan complements the Corporate Plan. It describes the ANAO’s system of quality management and reflects the ANAO's responses to identified quality risks.
The ANAO Quality Management Framework is the ANAO’s established system of quality management to provide the Auditor-General with reasonable assurance that the ANAO complies with the ANAO Auditing Standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and reports issued by the ANAO are appropriate in the circumstances.
This Audit Quality Report sets out the Auditor-General’s evaluation on the implementation and operating effectiveness of the ANAO Quality Management Framework. The report:
- provides transparency in respect of the processes, policies, and procedures that support each element of the ANAO Quality Management Framework;
- outlines ANAO performance against benchmarks on audit quality indicators; and
- outlines the ANAO’s performance against the quality assurance strategy and deliverables set out in the Quality Management Framework and Plan 2023–24.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
This Emissions Reduction Plan describes the priorities and actions the Australian National Audit Office is taking to reduce operational emissions and contribute to the APS Net Zero 2030 target.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.