Browse our range of reports and publications including performance and financial statement audit reports, assurance review reports, information reports and annual reports.
Audit Lessons — Management of Corporate Credit Cards is intended for officials working in financial management or governance roles with responsibility for the management of corporate credit cards.
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This edition is intended for officials within government entities responsible for governance, internal audit or a government activity that may be the subject of an ANAO performance audit. The purpose of Insights: Audit Practice is to explain ANAO methodologies to help entities prepare for an ANAO audit.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
This edition is targeted at those responsible for implementing internal policies and controls on the receipt of gifts, benefits and hospitality in Australian Government entities. The aim of Audit Lessons is to communicate lessons from our audit work and to make it easier for people working within the Australian public sector to apply those lessons.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
This edition of Audit Lessons is targeted at those responsible for administering or overseeing grants programs. The aim of Audit Lessons is to communicate lessons from our audit work and to make it easier for people working within the Australian public sector to apply those lessons.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The aim of Audit Lessons is to communicate lessons from our audit work and to make it easier for people working within the Australian public sector to apply those lessons.
This edition is targeted at security, information communications technology (ICT) and human resources officials responsible for managing ICT system access and the offboarding process for employees and contractors separating from an entity.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The aim of Insights: Audit Lessons is to communicate lessons from our audit work and to make it easier for people working within the Australian public sector to apply those lessons.
This edition of Insights: Audit Lessons is targeted at risk practitioners and officials responsible for government operations, projects, programs, services and regulatory activities. It would also be useful for accountable authorities, their senior executives and audit and risk committees.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The purpose of Insights: Audit Opinion is to provide the Auditor-General's views on key issues facing the Australian public sector. This inaugural edition is on the topic of the Commonwealth Performance Framework and how it can be better used to drive effectiveness in the Australian public sector. This includes the need to prioritise the improvement of performance frameworks, embed a performance culture and use performance information to drive business improvement.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
The aim of Insights: Audit Lessons (formerly Audit Insights) is to communicate lessons from our audit work and to make it easier for people working within the Australian public sector to apply those lessons.
This edition of Insights: Audit Lessons is targeted at Australian Government officials who are working in governance roles or who have responsibility for ensuring effective oversight and management of probity. Although it is based on audits of financial regulators, the lessons for managing probity risks can be applied across the public sector.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
This edition of Audit Insights is targeted at Australian Government officials who have responsibility for overseeing or preparing performance information under the Commonwealth Performance Framework. The aim of Audit Insights is to communicate lessons from our audit work and to make it easier for people working within the Australian public sector to apply those lessons. This edition is drawn from audit reports tabled from 2015–16 to 2022–23 into the implementation of the corporate planning and annual performance statements requirements.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.
This edition of Audit Insights is targeted at Australian Government officials who have responsibility for the management and reporting of executive remuneration. The aim of Audit Insights is to communicate lessons from our audit work to make it easier for people working within the Australian public sector to apply those lessons. It is drawn from audit reports tabled between 2019–20 and 2022–23.
Please direct enquiries through our contact page.