473 Items found
Published: Thursday 5 December 2024

The objective of the audit was to assess whether the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) had complied with gifts, benefits and hospitality requirements.

Murray–Darling Basin Authority

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Published: Thursday 13 June 2019

This report focuses on the results of the interim audits, including an assessment of entities’ key internal controls, supporting the 2018–19 financial statements audits. It examines 26 entities, including all departments of state and a number of major Australian government entities. The entities included in the report are selected on the basis of their contribution to the income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the 2017–18 Consolidated Financial Statements of the Australian Government (CFS). Significant and moderate findings arising from the interim audits are reported to the responsible Minister(s), and all findings are reported to those charged with governance of each entity.

Across Entities

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Published: Thursday 28 May 2020

This report focuses on the results of the interim financial statements audits, including an assessment of entities’ key internal controls, supporting the 2019–20 financial statements audits. This report examines 24 entities, including all departments of state and a number of major Australian government entities. The entities included in the report are selected on the basis of their contribution to the income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the 2018–19 Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS). Significant and moderate findings arising from the interim audits are reported to the responsible Minister(s), and all findings are reported to those charged with governance of each entity.


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Published: Monday 19 June 2023

The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the government response to the Black Economy Taskforce report.

Australian Taxation Office; Department of Home Affairs; Department of the Treasury

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Published: Tuesday 21 June 2022

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Home Affairs’ administration and regulation of critical infrastructure protection policy.

Department of Home Affairs

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Published: Wednesday 28 June 2017

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) publishes two reports annually addressing the outcomes of the financial statement audits of Australian government entities and the Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) of the Australian Government to provide Parliament an independent examination of the financial accounting and reporting of public sector entities. This report focuses on the results of the interim audit phase, including an assessment of entities’ key internal controls, of the 2016–17 financial statements audits of 25 entities including all departments of state and a number of major Australian government entities.

Across Entities

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Published: Thursday 14 June 2018

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) publishes two reports annually addressing the outcomes of the financial statement audits of Australian government entities and the Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) of the Australian Government, to provide the Parliament of Australia with an independent examination of the financial accounting and reporting of public sector entities. This report focused on the results of the interim audit phase, including an assessment of entities’ key internal controls, of the 2017–18 financial statements audits of a range of entities including all departments of state and a number of major Australian government entities.

Across Entities

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Published: Thursday 10 December 2020

The audit examined whether the COVID-19 National Medical Stockpile (NMS) procurement requirement was met through effective planning and governance arrangements.

Department of Health; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

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Published: Thursday 2 April 2020

The objective of this audit was to examine the effectiveness of bilateral agreement arrangements between Services Australia and other entities.

Across Entities

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Published: Thursday 5 June 1997

The audit covered major program elements within the Department of Primary Industries and Energy and Environment Australia that are managed:

  • directly by DPIE or Environment Australia;
  • through the One-Stop-Shop project assessment process administered by the States/Territories; or
  • by non-government organisations.

The purpose of the audit was to examine and benchmark the administrative processes established for these programs. The primary focus of the audit was to draw on the best elements of past practice (particularly in relation to programs involving the One-Stop-Shop) and highlight any shortcomings so that the risks to program effectiveness and accountability could be addressed in the implementation of the Natural Heritage Trust.

Across Agency