1687 Items found
Published: Wednesday 15 November 1995

The purpose of the audit was to ascertain the extent to which financial management arrangements helped the department to achieve its objectives and the way that these could be improved in the light of the department's management reforms generally.

Elements of the Financial Management Improvement Program, and the accrual reporting framework, were at an evolutionary stage in the department. The audit therefore focused on quite fundamental financial management issues, including:

  • the ability of financial management systems to provide information that was timely, accurate and relevant to the needs of management and other users; and
  • the extent of coordination and control of financial management across departmental programs and between National and State Offices.
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Published: Thursday 26 October 1995

The audit reviewed the efficiency and administrative effectiveness of the Community Development Employment Projects Scheme (CDEP), highlighting good practices and suggesting improvements where needed.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
Published: Tuesday 17 October 1995

The purpose of this audit was to determine whether Australian Hearing Services has in place procedures to monitor the quality of services provided at both its own hearing centres and contractors' sites.

Australian Hearing Services
Published: Tuesday 17 October 1995

This audit reviewed:

  • the methods used by the Department of Social Security (DSS) to determine and allocate staff numbers to Regional Offices. It sought to ascertain whether the allocations resulting from these methods met the demands placed on Regional Offices and the scope for improvement to these methods; and
  • the scope for improvements to the benefit delivery process and other aspects of Regional Office operations that could lead to significant productivity gains or client service benefits.
Department of Social Security
Published: Thursday 21 September 1995

This audit reviewed the efficiency and administrative effectiveness of case management in the Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) to identify good practices and any areas in need of improvement.

Department of Employment, Education and Training
Published: Tuesday 22 August 1995

This report has been prepared in response to a resolution of the Senate on 8 December 1994 which referred certain matters relating to the possible sale of ANL Ltd to the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee. The resolution directed the Committee to consider a report from the Auditor-General and drew the Auditor-General's attention to a range of specific issues and questions.

Across Agency
Published: Monday 31 July 1995

This is a report of an audit by the ANAO of the Australian Taxation Office's Income Matching System (IMS). The IMS is a computer-based system which identifies discrepancies between information in tax returns and external data. The main income types covered are dividends, interest, wages and salaries, pensions and benefits and prescribed payments. It also generates unmatched data and cases where assessments have not yet been issued.

Australian Taxation Office