1687 Items found
Published: Thursday 29 August 1996

The objective of the audit was to review AusAID's management of funding to Non-Government Organisations, to assess whether:

  • the objectives of overseas development programs to be delivered by NGOs were clearly established;
  • funding mechanisms for the delivery of aid programs by NGOs were clearly defined, consistently applied, and in compliance with the law; and
  • whether AusAID could provide assurances that NGOs delivering development projects using Commonwealth monies are accountable for: proper expenditure of Commonwealth monies; the achievement of stated objectives; and the achievement of value for money.

The ANAO examined AusAID documentation on overseas development programs delivered by NGOs, looking particularly for clear objectives, performance measures, and evaluation mechanisms. Three levels of documentation were examined:

  • government programs;
  • grants schemes; and
  • individual projects.
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
Published: Thursday 22 August 1996

The focus of this audit was to ascertain how the Family Court had spent Justice Statement monies and to form an opinion on the current and projected financial position of the Court. The ANAO undertook the review of the Family Court in a two-stage process. The first stage, the findings of which appear in this report, to allow consideration in the Budget context, was undertaken as a project audit and had the objective of addressing the issues of immediate concern to the Attorney-General.

Family Court of Australia
Published: Wednesday 21 August 1996

This is a follow-up audit to Audit Report No.8 1992-93, Compensation Pensions to Veterans and War Widows and Audit Report No. 15 1994-95, Follow-up of an Efficiency Audit on Compensation Pensions to Veterans and War Widows. This audit examined the performance of the Compensation sub-program operations in order to ascertain the impact of previous audit reports and to recommend areas that could be further improved.

Across Agency
Published: Thursday 8 August 1996

The objective of the audit was to examine the effectiveness of the management and control framework established by the Australian National Training Authority to assist its administration and achievement of its objectives. The ANAO's investigation was limited to an analysis of ANTA's internal administrative framework. The audit work focused on key components of the framework: planning, monitoring, and financial and control frameworks.

Across Agency
Published: Thursday 1 August 1996

The objective of the audit was to examine how efficiently and effectively the Australian Customs Service administers the Passenger Movement Charge, including the interim arrangements with airlines. The audit was intended to provide guidance to ACS on key issues and areas of risk it should address in developing the system supporting the collection of PMC. Audit criteria were determined to consider how well revenue was protected and how well the administrative arrangements were operating. The audit sought to identify areas for improvement in the formulation of longer-term arrangements.

Australian Customs Service
Published: Thursday 27 June 1996

A Preliminary Study into Joint Commercial Arrangements between Commonwealth Budget-funded entities and private sector companies has indicated that an efficiency audit is not warranted at this time. On the basis of a survey, the study has indicated that, whilst there are some 60 joint commercial arrangements in existence, most are relatively small in financial terms.

Across Agency
Published: Tuesday 25 June 1996

This performance audit was conducted to examine the efficiency and administrative effectiveness of Commonwealth fisheries management, with particular emphasis on AFMA's systems and procedures for planning and operations. In addition, the audit sought to determine whether AFMA is gathering and reporting to the Parliament appropriate accountability information on its performance.

Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Published: Monday 24 June 1996

The purpose of the audit was to examine the environmental management mechanisms in place across some of the major Commonwealth land management and oversighting entities. In particular, the audit examined Commonwealth environmental management practices to identify current strengths and weaknesses, and provide a framework and direction for the adoption of better practice and continuous improvement. The audit has not been designed to judge past Commonwealth performance using current environmental standards and practices. Rather, the audit focused on encouraging the development of better practice by illustrating the implications and lessons learned from past and present practices.

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts; Department of Defence; Department of Transport and Regional Development; Department of Administrative Services; Department of Environment, Sport and Territories
Published: Wednesday 19 June 1996

The objectives of the audit were to examine and report on the economy, efficiency and administrative effectiveness of AEM's management and administration of the Commonwealth-owned commercial office estate. The ANAO addressed 22 recommendations to AEM, which will remain relevant in the context of the major administrative changes that the Commonwealth's property management function is currently undertaking.

Australian Estate Management
Published: Tuesday 18 June 1996

The objective of the audit was to assess the performance of the Department's management of the project in the light of accepted project management techniques, including risk management. An important part of the audit was to derive lessons to be learnt and recommendations that could be applied to the remainder of the project and to other large Defence projects.

Department of Defence