1687 Items found
Published: Tuesday 2 April 1996

The primary objectives of the ANAO preliminary study were to gain an understanding of the concepts and associated processes used in the management of preparedness. This included the methodology for translating the Government's strategic guidance into military capability; the processes by which the Services translate preparedness directives into operational requirements; and how Headquarters ADF (HQADF) and the three Service Offices assure themselves that units can satisfy the requirements of preparedness directives.

Within the scope of this preliminary study the ANAO did not attempt to form a conclusion regarding the current ability of the ADF to satisfy the roles set by Government in strategic guidance; that is, its actual state of preparedness. It was important first to obtain a good understanding of the concepts and associated methodology used by Defence in managing preparedness.

Department of Defence
Published: Tuesday 2 April 1996

This audit focused on tax compliance strategies aimed at rebates paid under the Diesel Fuel Rebate Scheme (DFRS) administered by the Australian Customs Service.

Australian Taxation Office
Published: Tuesday 13 February 1996

This report is the aggregate financial statement for the Commonwealth prepared by the Minister for Finance. (It is not available in electronic format.)

Across Agency
Published: Thursday 30 November 1995

The ANAO's objectives in auditing the sale were to:

  • review the extent to which the Government's objectives for the sale were achieved;
  • review the management of the sale process; and
  • to assess ongoing Commonwealth exposures and responsibilities.
Across Agency
Published: Thursday 30 November 1995

This summary audit report brings together the results of the audits of the financial statements of all Commonwealth organisations (that is, agencies and statutory authorities), and is provided to the Parliament to assist in its scrutiny of annual reports and in the consideration of each organisation's financial statements.

Across Agency
Published: Tuesday 28 November 1995

The audit examined how well the Commonwealth's regulators of consumer product safety have used a 'whole of agency' approach to risk management to protect consumers. The audit also looked at the health costs associated with consumer product related injuries and deaths and the extent to which the legal remedies available under the Trade Practices Act are used.

Across Agency
Published: Tuesday 28 November 1995

The objectives of this audit were to assess planning, management, conduct and staffing of internal audit in the Department of Defence, with a view to providing assurance as to the standard of its work. Opportunities were taken to identify specific policies and practices that would improve the efficiency and effectiveness of MAB audit. Fieldwork for the ANAO audit was performed between May and August 1995.

Department of Defence
Published: Thursday 23 November 1995

The ANAO's objective in auditing the sale was to assess:

  • the extent to which the Commonwealth's objectives were achieved; and
  • the efficiency, administrative effectiveness and accountability of the sale process.
Across Agency
Published: Tuesday 21 November 1995

The purpose of the audit was to determine:

  • whether the planning and implementation of the DSS Teleservice project has been adequate to ensure successful operations;
  • the efficiency and administrative effectiveness of Teleservice Centre management practices;
  • whether Teleservice Centres have been successful in delivering the anticipated improvements to client service; and
  • what opportunities might be available for improvement in the operation of the Centres.

An important aim of the audit was to ascertain with DSS what value could be added by identifying more administratively effective and efficient means of managing and operating their Teleservice Centre network. In addition, the ANAO considered that the experience gained and lessons learned from the introduction of Teleservice operations by DSS could improve the planning and implementation of major technology-based operational and client service initiatives in the future, both in DSS and the Australian Public Service (APS) generally.

In carrying out the audit, the ANAO undertook an extensive examination of the Teleservice environment including:

  • examining the experience and practices of private sector call centre operations;
  • reviewing the DSS Teleservice network, involving detailed discussions with departmental officers, examining files and data and observing Teleservice Centre operations; as well as
  • consulting a range of community groups and government agencies familiar with DSS's Teleservice Centre services.
Department of Social Security
Published: Wednesday 15 November 1995

Audit Report No.5 1993-94, Explosive Ordnance, Department of Defence, was tabled in the Parliament in September 1993. The report was structured in three parts. The first part covered explosive ordnance (EO) issues common to all three Services; the second part focused on the management of explosive ordnance by the Navy; and the third part was a follow-up of the 1987 audit report on Air Force explosive ordnance. The report made 39 recommendations. Defence agreed to implement most of them.

It was considered timely to undertake a follow-up audit into key issues of the recommendations contained in the audit report, given the elapsed time since the report was tabled and the issues associated with public safety.

Department of Defence