1687 Items found
Published: Monday 25 November 1996

The objective of the audit was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative arrangements for the provision of food to the Australian Defence Force and identify possible areas for improvement. The audit criteria addressed the adequacy of policy guidance, planning, performance information and risk management in all areas of ADF food provisioning.

Across Agency
Published: Thursday 21 November 1996

Following an initial selection through a process of inviting expressions of interest, OGIT issued a restricted Request for Proposal for Human Resource Management Systems and Financial Management Information Systems. OGIT sought the services of the ANAO to provide an opinion on the probity of the methodology and procedures applied in the process of evaluation of tenders for acceptance to the Shared Systems Suite. The ANAO also agreed to review the formal procedures developed by OGIT and to test their operation to enable the ANAO to form an opinion, with a reasonable degree of assurance, on whether the evaluation process accords with the Commonwealth Purchasing Guidelines for open and effective competition and consideration for the development of Australian and New Zealand industry.

Office of Government Information Technology
Published: Monday 18 November 1996

The purpose of the audit was to examine how efficiently and effectively the ATO managed its collection of outstanding tax debt. A framework for analysing the ATO's approach to collecting outstanding debt was established by the ANAO. This framework reflected five key criteria in the collection process as they apply to managing outstanding debt, namely:

  • initiatives to promote timely payment;
  • identification of outstanding debt;
  • setting priorities for collecting outstanding debt;
  • management of collection practices; and
  • collection results.
Australian Taxation Office
Published: Thursday 17 October 1996

This is a follow-up audit to Audit Report No.7, 1993-94 titled Department of Social Security: Data-matching. It reports upon the effectiveness of the DSS actions in response to the recommendations of the original 1993-94 audit. In noting the considerable progress made by the Department against the original audit recommendations, the ANAO considers that several recommendations have yet to be fully addressed. These are covered in this report and include reducing the variability in review results across offices, enhancing the TFN registration process, and validating savings assumptions.

Department of Social Security
Published: Thursday 17 October 1996

Grants Scheme in Audit Report No.33 of 1993-94. The major recommendations in that report related to:

  • improved quality of claims and control measures;
  • optimisation of management planning and control;
  • rationalisation of the strategic planning structure;
  • improved responsiveness of the scheme; and
  • improved accountability to Parliament.

The objective of this follow-up audit was to form an opinion on Austrade's progress with implementing the recommendations of Audit Report No.33 of 1993-94.

Australian Trade Commission
Published: Wednesday 16 October 1996

This audit considered the action taken in relation to the recommendations of Audit Report No.47, 1991-92, Energy Management of Commonwealth Buildings. The objective of this follow-up audit was to assess whether the Department of Primary Industries and Energy, the Department of Administrative Services, and the Department of Finance had taken appropriate action in relation to the recommendations. The audit criteria were the extent to which the original recommendations agreed by the agencies had been implemented and what had been achieved.

Department of Administrative Services; Department of Primary Industries and Energy
Published: Tuesday 8 October 1996

The audit examined the Commonwealth's management of the Building Better Cities Program to identify areas where improvement was needed and where lessons learned from BCP could be useful in other programs.

Department of Transport and Regional Development
Published: Tuesday 8 October 1996

The purpose of the audit was to examine the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of the Therapeutic Goods Administration's performance in evaluating and approving prescription drugs for public use. In particular the audit focused on analysing elements of the regulatory process associated with the evaluation of prescription drugs. In this context the audit reviewed the administrative operations performed within the Department's Drug Safety and Evaluation Branch, the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee and the Business and Services Branch of the TGA, rather than any processes preceding or succeeding those activities.

Department of Health and Family Services
Published: Tuesday 17 September 1996

The objective of the audit was to determine whether:

  • councils essentially met their objectives as stated in the IT Acquisition Council Guidelines;
  • council members substantially fulfilled their roles and responsibilities, including providing advice regarding relevant government policy; and
  • councils add value and assurance in meeting accountability requirements to the acquisition process.
Across Agency
Published: Thursday 12 September 1996

The objectives for the audit were to examine Commonwealth guarantees, indemnities and letters of comfort in relation to:

  • the potential size of the Commonwealth's exposure to these instruments;
  • the extent to which the overall exposures of the Commonwealth are managed and monitored;
  • the adequacy of administrative reporting arrangements;
  • areas of better administrative practice relating to their management; and
  • to raise agencies' awareness of appropriate risk management and accountability practices in relation to these instruments.

The audit set out to quantify the Commonwealth's exposure to guarantees, indemnities and letters of comfort.

Across Agency