1216 Items found
Published: Thursday 28 May 2020

This report focuses on the results of the interim financial statements audits, including an assessment of entities’ key internal controls, supporting the 2019–20 financial statements audits. This report examines 24 entities, including all departments of state and a number of major Australian government entities. The entities included in the report are selected on the basis of their contribution to the income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the 2018–19 Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS). Significant and moderate findings arising from the interim audits are reported to the responsible Minister(s), and all findings are reported to those charged with governance of each entity.


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Published: Thursday 31 October 2019

The objective of this audit was to examine the extent to which Australian Government entities have implemented the Digital Continuity 2020 policy, and how effectively the National Archives of Australia is monitoring, assisting, and encouraging entities to meet the specified targets of the policy.

Across Entities

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Published: Friday 3 February 2017

The audit objective was to assess whether the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has effectively established and implemented the Indigenous Advancement Strategy to achieve the outcomes desired by government.

Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images of deceased people.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

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Published: Thursday 20 June 2024

The ANAO prepares two reports annually that provide insights at a point in time to the financial statements risks, governance arrangements and internal control frameworks of Commonwealth entities, drawing on information collected during our audits.

This report is the first of the two reports and focuses on the results of the interim financial statements audits, including an assessment of entities’ key internal controls, supporting the 2023–24 financial statements audits. This report examines 27 entities, including all: departments of state; the Department of Parliamentary Services; and other Commonwealth entities that significantly contribute to the revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities within the 2022–23 Australian Government Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS). The National Indigenous Australians Agency is also included in this report given the role it plays working across government with indigenous communities and stakeholders.

Across Entities

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Published: Thursday 20 October 2011

The audit objective was to assess the extent to which DEEWR and FaHCSIA have effectively managed the planning and consultation phases for the IBF program and the IBHP program. The audit scope included consideration of the issues likely to affect the ongoing operation and sustainability of the facilities.

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations; Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs; Aboriginal Hostels Limited; Northern Territory Department of Education and Training
Published: Wednesday 22 May 2013

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education’s (DIISRTE’s) administration of the Education Investment Fund grants program.

(DIISRTE was the department that had responsibility for the administration of the EIF grants program during the course of the audit. The recommendations and suggestions for improvement are, however, directed to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education because this department now has responsibility for the administration of the program).

Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education; Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

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Published: Wednesday 20 June 2012

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of DoHA’s administration in supporting the creation and development of health infrastructure from the HHF, including DoHA’s support for the Health Minister and the HHF Advisory Board.

Department of Health and Ageing
Published: Tuesday 17 June 2014

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Industry's administration of the Commercialisation Australia Program.

Department of Industry

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Thursday 16 July 2020

The objective of the audit was to examine whether strategic water procurements by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment were conducted consistent with government policy, were supported by appropriate program design, were planned and executed appropriately, and achieved value for money.

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

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Published: Tuesday 11 September 2007

The objective of this audit was to examine Australia's preparedness to respond to a human influenza pandemic and an outbreak of avian influenza in domestic poultry. The audit assessed:

  • the whole of government arrangements for an influenza pandemic;
  • action taken by DAFF to implement the recommendations from Exercise Eleusis, which tested the response arrangements for avian influenza;
  • DoHA's planning for, and execution of, Exercise Cumpston, which tested the preparedness and response to an influenza pandemic; and
  • the establishment, management and deployment arrangements of the National Medical Stockpile.
Department of Health and Ageing; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry