228 Items found
Published: Thursday 22 December 2005

The objective of the audit was to assess and report on the progress being made by agencies subject to the Financial Management & Accountability Act 1997 and entities subject to the Commonwealth Authorities & Companies Act 1997: in realising value for money from the procurement process, with a specific focus on buildings, services and products using whole of life cycle assessments; and in the consideration and management of environmental impacts in specifications and contracts. The emphasis of the audit was on green office procurement and sustainable business practices and the value for money within this context. As such, the audit report provides a status report on the implementation of ESD within the office environment of the Australian Government. The audit used a survey approach in conjunction with selected audit investigations to obtain information across 71 agencies and entities selected on the basis of materiality in procurement and coverage across large, medium and small organisations. The agencies selected represented approximately 35 per cent of all government bodies and over 95 per cent of all procurement spending noted on the Department of Finance and Administration (Finance) database on contracts.

across agency
Published: Thursday 13 March 2014

The objective of the audit was to assess the Australian Federal Police's (AFP’s) management of policing services at Australian international airports. In order to form a conclusion against this audit objective, the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) examined if:

  • the transition to the 'All In' model of policing at airports (Project Macer) had been delivered effectively;
  • appropriate processes are in place for managing risk and operational planning;
  • effective stakeholder engagement, relationship management and information sharing arrangements are in place;
  • facilities at the airports are adequate and appropriate; and
  • appropriate mechanisms for measuring the effectiveness of policing at airports have been developed and implemented.
Australian Federal Police

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Monday 22 December 2003

Directly after the collapse of Ansett in September 2001, most of its estimated 15 000 employees faced the possibility of retrenchment The Government immediately announced the introduction of the Special Employee Entitlements Scheme for Ansett group employees (SEESA) to address two risks facing the employees:

  • the risk-to a certain limit - of a shortfall in their payments of accrued employee entitlements from Ansett and,
  • the risk of delay in their being paid.

The objective of the audit was to determine how efficiently and effectively the two key elements of SEESA were managed: DEWR's management of the mechanism for making SEESA payments and DOTARS' management of the associated Air Passenger Ticket Levy.

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations; Department of Transport and Regional Services
Published: Thursday 16 June 2011

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of monitoring arrangements (by the Accreditation Agency) and compliance activities (by DoHA) put in place to achieve residential aged care homes’ compliance with the Accreditation Standards and their other, related, responsibilities under the Act and its associated instruments.

The ANAO’s assessment considered whether:

— a sector-wide compliance strategy was in place and aligned with effective monitoring and compliance activities at the operational level;
— there was a clear articulation of the separat but complementary roles and responsibilities of DoHA and the Accreditation Agency; and
— performance information gathered by both agencies to support public reporting and business improvements was useful and enabled comparison of performance over time.

Department of Health and Ageing; Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd
Published: Saturday 6 April 2002

Mr P.J. Barrett (AM) - Auditor-General for Australia, presented at a Laboratory for Politicians and Top Managers from Different Public Institutions in Europe

Published: Wednesday 25 February 2009

The audit focussed on performance information reporting by the submarine System Program Offices on reliability, safety systems and logistic support services. In the context of the sustainability arrangements, the audit considered combat system upgrades and personnel escape and rescue systems. Any arrangements that the Commonwealth may be considering regarding the potential sale of ASC were not within the scope of this audit.

Department of Defence
Published: Tuesday 5 June 2012

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of DSEWPaC's administration of PIIOP, including the acquisition of water access entitlements and progress towards achieving the program's objectives.

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
Published: Tuesday 1 March 2011

The objective of the audit was to assess the administrative effectiveness of AGD's management of the Northern Territory Night Patrols Program.

Attorney-General's Department
Published: Tuesday 17 December 2013

The objective of this report is to provide the Auditor-General’s independent assurance over the status of selected Major Projects, as reflected in the Project Data Summary Sheets (PDSSs) prepared by the DMO, and the Statement by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) DMO. Assurance from the ANAO’s review of the preparation of the PDSSs by the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) is conveyed in the Auditor-General’s Independent Review Report, prepared pursuant to the endorsed Guidelines, contained in Part 3.

Defence Materiel Organisation

Michael White, Executive Director, Phone: (02) 6203 7393

Published: Wednesday 17 May 2006

The objective of the audit was to examine processes used by Defence and the DMO to procure explosive ordnance for the ADF, with an emphasis on Army requirements. The audit reviewed the extent to which the DMO effectively translated the explosive ordnance requirements of the ADF, and particularly of Army, into procurement and through life support arrangements.

Department of Defence; Defence Materiel Organisation