1687 Items found
Published: Monday 24 May 2010

The objective of this audit was to examine the effectiveness of Medicare Australia's administration of the PBS. In assessing the objective, the audit considered three key areas:

  • Medicare Australia's relationship with the PBS policy agency (DoHA) and service delivery policy agency (Department of Human Services (DHS));
  • the management arrangements and processes underpinning Medicare Australia's delivery of the PBS (including the means by which Medicare Australia gains assurance over the integrity of the PBS); and
  • how Medicare Australia undertakes its three main responsibilities relating to the delivery of the PBS, namely: approving pharmacies; approving authority prescriptions; and processing PBS claims.
Medicare Australia; Department of Human Services; Department of Health and Ageing
Published: Friday 21 May 2010

As part of the ANAO's role in reviewing proposed advertising campaigns for compliance with the June 2008 Guidelines, the Auditor–General advised the JCPAA that the ANAO would provide regular summary reports on its advertising review activities to Parliament. Section 25 of the Auditor General Act 1997 provides for the tabling of such reports.

Across Agencies
Published: Thursday 20 May 2010

The objective of this audit was to review the effectiveness of Defence's and the DMO's management of the acquisition arrangements for JP 2070.

Department of Defence
Published: Wednesday 19 May 2010

The scope of the audit covered Centrelink's emergency management framework and community recovery assistance operations in general, with a specific focus on the 2009 North Queensland floods and Victorian bushfires. FaHCSIA's role during those disaster events was also considered as it played a key role in establishing the policy parameters of the services Centrelink delivered and addressing issues arising from policy implementation.

Centrelink; Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Published: Tuesday 18 May 2010

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Tax Office's administration of the Superannuation Co-contribution Scheme.

The audit reviewed five key areas: governance arrangements; information technology systems and controls; co-contribution processing; compliance approaches; and communication with clients.

Australian Taxation Office
Published: Tuesday 18 May 2010

The objective of the audit was to review and assess the use, and management of, automatic exchanges of information under Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) by the Tax Office.

Australian Taxation Office
Published: Wednesday 5 May 2010

The audit objective was to examine the effectiveness of the department's establishment of the P21 element of the BER program. The focus of the audit was on: the establishment of administrative arrangements for BER P21 in accordance with government policy; the assessment and approval of funding allocations; and the arrangements to monitor and report BER P21 progress and achievement of broader program outcomes. An examination of individual BER P21 projects was outside the scope of the audit.

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Published: Wednesday 28 April 2010

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of OPO's management of the overseas owned estate. In particular, the audit examined whether:

  • sound arrangements are in place to effectively plan and oversight the management of the overseas estate;
  • OPO effectively manages owned property on a day-to-day basis;
  • the condition of the overseas owned estate is adequately maintained by structured and systematic repair and maintenance arrangements; and
  • OPO has appropriate information to facilitate the effective management of the owned estate, and appropriately consults with stakeholders.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Published: Thursday 22 April 2010

The audit scope covered the management of the AusLink R2R Standard Program and the AusLink R2R Supplementary Program. The scope did not include management of the Nation Building Roads to Recovery Program, which has only recently commenced. The audit objectives were to:

  • assess the effectiveness of the management of the AusLink Roads to Recovery Program;
  • assess the delivery of the program and management of the funding, including the extent to which the program has provided additional (rather than substitute) funding for land transport infrastructure; and
  • identify opportunities for improvements to the management of the program.
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Published: Thursday 22 April 2010

Recent performance audit priority for the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) in the Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government portfolio has been directed at the administration of funding for land transport. Accordingly, this audit is one of a series ANAO is undertaking of land transport funding programs. Four audits have already been completed, namely:

  • ANAO Audit Report No. 31 2005–06, Roads to Recovery;
  • ANAO Audit Report No. 45 2006–07, The National Black Spot Program;
  • ANAO Audit Report No. 22 2007–08, Administration of Grants to the Australian Rail Track Corporation; and
  • ANAO Audit Report No. 29 2008–09, Delivery of Projects on the AusLink National Network.
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government