1687 Items found
Published: Tuesday 19 June 2007

The objective of this performance audit was to assess the administration of the National Black Spot Programme. It was undertaken in a manner similar to the audit of the Roads to Recovery Programme. Specifically, the audit approach involved:

  • examination of DOTARS records and discussions with officers in DOTARS and four of the State road transport authorities responsible for administering the Programme;
  • analysis of project monitoring, reporting and payment arrangements; and
  • selecting a sample of 45 LGA areas across four States so that ANAO could examine projects delivered with Commonwealth funding.
Published: Thursday 14 June 2007

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Tribunals' management of their operations. To this end, the audit examined whether the MRT and the RRT:

  • have achieved intended operational efficiencies from the introduction of common facilities, services and resourcing;
  • have established appropriate arrangements for governance, business planning and guidance of Members and staff, and for performance monitoring and reporting of Tribunal operations;
  • finalise cases within Tribunal time and productivity standards; and
  • provide applicants with services in accordance with service standards.

The audit covered Tribunal operations for review of visa decisions. The correctness of individual decisions was not assessed as part of the audit.

The audit focused particularly on developments in the Tribunals' management performance in the four year period from 2001–02 to 2004–05.

Migration Review Tribunal; Refugee Review Tribunal
Published: Wednesday 13 June 2007

The objective of this audit was to evaluate whether selected Australian Government agencies were effectively managing security risks arising from the use of contractors. To address this objective, the audit evaluated relevant policies and practices in the audited agencies against a series of minimum requirements in the management of security issues in procurement and contracting activity. These minimum requirements were developed from the guidance and standards contained in the PSM and also from the ANAO's previous protective security audits.

The audit focused on two broad types of contracting arrangements: contracting of security functions; and contracting of any service or business function that requires, or which has the potential to require, contractors to access sensitive or security classified information.

The following Australian Government agencies were involved in this audit:

  • Australian Customs Service (Customs);
  • Commonwealth Superannuation Administration (ComSuper);
  • Department of Finance and Administration (Finance); and
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

In addition, the Attorney-General's Department, which is responsible for the maintenance of the PSM and for providing advice on contemporary protective security policies and practices, was consulted during the audit.

Published: Tuesday 12 June 2007

The objective of the audit is to assess the effectiveness of the ATO's administration of debt collection. Micro-business debt is a particular focus of attention. The three key areas examined are:

  • strategies–especially the ATO's initiatives trialled in 2006;
  • infrastructure–the IT systems, people, policy and processes and risk management framework supporting the collection of debt; and
  • management and governance–planning, monitoring and reporting mechanisms and liaison with stakeholders.

The ANAO focused on the work of the campaigns area within the Debt Line, which has collection responsibility for 90 per cent of collectable debt cases and responsibility for other key, centralised functions such as reporting, quality assurance review, consistency and best practice, and the debt collection initiatives.

Published: Thursday 31 May 2007

The objective of the audit was to assess the efficiency and the effectiveness of DEWR's administrative oversight for the WfD programme. The components of administration examined included whether:

  • the operation of the WfD programme was guided by sound business planning including risk assessment;
  • DEWR effectively and efficiently managed, monitored and reported the performance of CWCs in meeting contractual obligations;
  • adequate support was provided to DEWR contract managers and account managers to assist in the delivery of WfD outcomes;
  • there was evaluation of the performance of CWCs in delivering WfD objectives on behalf of the department;
  • DEWR measures the effectiveness of WfD against programme objectives; and
  • DEWR had implemented agreed recommendations from the previous WfD audit, where current and relevant.
Published: Wednesday 30 May 2007

The previous audit made ten recommendations to improve Centrelink's review and appeals system. Centrelink agreed to all recommendations. The objective of this follow-up audit was to review Centrelink's progress in implementing the recommendations of Audit Report No.35, Centrelink's Review and Appeals System 2004-05.

Published: Thursday 24 May 2007

The objectives of the audit were to assess:

  • whether FaCSIA has effectively administered the distribution of funding for the Local Answers, VSEG, Reconnect and Minor Capital Upgrade programmes, including promoting the relevant schemes to potential applicants, developing application forms, handling and appraising applications, selecting recipients and making grant announcements;
  • the pattern of approvals of grants to States/Territories and to electorates held by the Government and Opposition parties under the Local Answers and VSEG programmes; and
  • whether FaCSIA administered eight one-off grants to community organisations provided as a result of Government commitments during the 2004 Federal Election campaign in line with relevant legislation and guidelines.
Published: Wednesday 23 May 2007

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of DoHA's management of CACPs in fulfilling the legislated objectives of the program.

Published: Thursday 17 May 2007

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of DIAC's administration of the health requirement of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act). To achieve this objective, the ANAO examined whether DIAC was setting and implementing the health requirement in accordance with the Act, the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Regulations), and DIAC's own guidelines.

Department of Health and Ageing
Published: Wednesday 16 May 2007

The audit objectives were to examine if:

  • DCITA had effectively planned and administered the HiBIS and BC Stage 1 programs; and
  • the programs had achieved their objectives.

The audit focused on DCITA's activities to support the planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of HiBIS and BC Stage 1 programs.
