1687 Items found
Published: Tuesday 29 April 2008

The objective of the audit was to assess whether APS agencies had sound approaches to recruitment, to assist in providing the workforce capability to deliver government programs effectively. Sound approaches to recruitment involve agencies:

  • establishing and implementing strategic approaches to recruitment to address current and future workforce priorities and goals;
  • managing and supporting recruitment activities through the provision of expert advice and support, legislative and procedural guidance material, and training for staff involved in recruitment activities;
  • conducting recruitment activities effectively and in compliance with legislative and administrative requirements; and
  • systematically monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of recruitment strategies, policies and activities.
Published: Thursday 24 April 2008

The objective of the audit was to evaluate the Tax Office's corporate management of data matching, including analytics.

The ANAO examined the Tax Office's strategic goals and governance arrangements for data matching and analytics, its compliance with privacy requirements and whether the Tax Office is achieving intended results, which include revenue collection, optimised compliance and provision of improved services to taxpayers.

Tax Office executives have been increasingly drawing on the interrelationships and conceptual commonalities of Tax Office data matching and analytics activity. Accordingly, the audit included these relationships and conceptual commonalities within the scope of the audit. The audit was guided, therefore, by a broader definition of ‘data matching': meaning ‘finding relationships and patterns in large volumes of data'. This includes the more traditional idea of data matching as ‘bringing together data from different sources and comparing it'.

Australian Taxation Office
Published: Wednesday 23 April 2008

The objective of the audit was to review the effectiveness of the department's administration of the PSPI. To achieve this, the ANAO considered the department's program planning and design, service delivery arrangements and monitoring, review and reporting activities. The decision which resulted in the replacement of ASSPA with PSPI was a policy decision of the Government and, thus, was beyond the scope of this audit.

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Published: Tuesday 22 April 2008

The objective of the audit was to review selected Defence public works projects submitted in the three year period ending mid 2007 to assess whether they had been submitted in accordance with the Committee's prevailing requirements for notification and review prior to entering into financial commitments for public works. The audit also examined the procedures applied by Defence to refer public works projects to the Committee, and identified administrative practices that may improve adherence with relevant legislative and administrative referral requirements.

Department of Defence
Published: Wednesday 16 April 2008

The objective of the audit was to assess how well EMA is meeting its objective of providing national leadership in the development of measures to reduce risk to communities and manage the consequences of disasters.

Attorney-General's Department
Published: Thursday 28 February 2008

The objective of the audit was to assess DAFF's implementation and administration of the three forest industry assistance programs under the TCFA. Particular emphasis was given to the:

  • implementation of the programs and ongoing governance arrangements;
  • promotion of the program and the development of program guidelines;
  • assessment of applications and approval of funding; and
  • management of funding agreements.
Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry
Published: Wednesday 27 February 2008

The objective of the audit was to examine the effectiveness of the Department of Health and Ageing's administration of the Round the Clock Medicare: Investing in After Hours General Practice Services program.

Department of Health and Ageing
Published: Tuesday 26 February 2008

The audit objective was to determine whether DIAC's biometrics program had appropriate:

  • business review processes (including a business case);
  • authorisation;
  • business and IT governance arrangements; and
  • IT project management and systems development arrangements.
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Published: Thursday 21 February 2008

The objective of the audit was to assess whether selected regulatory agencies have cost recovery procedures and practices which comply with the Government's guidelines. To address this objective, the audit assessed the management of cost recovery against the following criteria:

  • regulatory agencies have clear and consistent cost recovery procedures to identify their activities and costs, and set fees and levies;
  • regulatory agencies have effectively implemented their cost recovery procedures;
  • regulatory agencies regularly monitor and review their cost recovery activities; and
  • regulatory agencies regularly report on their cost recovery.
Published: Thursday 14 February 2008

The objective of this performance audit was to assess the effectiveness of the administration of grants made to the ARTC. The audit involved an examination of DOTARS' administration of the grant funding approved for, and paid to, the ARTC (in respect of both the grants paid for projects approved under legislation and the three special grants). It also involved consideration of the role of Finance and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) in advising on the special grant funding and (in respect of Finance) the payment and reporting arrangements for the grants. The audit was conducted under Section 18 of the Auditor-General Act 1997.

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government