Browse our range of reports and publications including performance and financial statement audit reports, assurance review reports, information reports and annual reports.
The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs' (FaHCSIA) administration and management of the Targeted Community Care (Mental Health) Program.
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The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Federal Police’s framework to ensure the lawful exercise of powers in accordance with applicable legislation.
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The objective of the audit was to assess the awarding of funding under the Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund against the requirements of the Commonwealth’s grants administration framework.
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The Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA), administers the Commonwealth's settlement programs, which seek to assist migrants and refugees to participate in Australian society. Provision of English language training to newly arrived migrants and refugees has been a long standing and significant part of this settlement support, with some 1.5 million new arrivals assisted in this way since 1948. The objective of the audit was to examine DIMA's management of the Adult Migrant English Program Contracts, focusing on performance outcomes; strategic contract management and coordination; program expenditure, with emphasis on contract funding arrangements; and whether contract monitoring and performance information adequately support effective program management. The ANAO made six audit recommendations aimed at improving program performance management and reporting; strategic management and coordination; management of financial risks; and monitoring of contractor performance, which were all accepted by DIMA.
This annual report documents the performance of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) in the financial year ending on 30 June 2002. It includes a comment by the Auditor-General on Audit independence and effectiveness; an overview of the Auditor-General’s role and responsibilities; a report on performance; details about management and accountability, and the financial statement for the year.
The objective of the audit was to assess whether the Better Regions Program has been effectively designed and administered. The audit scope included examination of all 106 Better Regions projects.
The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Defence's management of the disposal of specialist military equipment.
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This annual report documents the performance of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) in the financial year ending on 30 June 2011. It includes a foreword by the Auditor-General, an overview including the role and vision of the Office, a report on performance, details about management and accountability, and the financial results.
The audit addressed administration of migrant settlement services by DIMA, in particular:
- strategic management, including corporate planning, performance measurement and reporting arrangements; and
- operational management of some of the individual schemes operated by DIMA (the Adult English Migrant Program and Translating Interpreting Services were not covered as part of this audit).
The objective of the audit was to examine whether the UP and CPP services provided by the Australian Federal Police Protection Service are being managed effectively. In particular, the audit examined:
- whether the Protection function has been effectively integrated into the AFP, and sound arrangements are in place to strategically plan Protection services and manage risks;
- whether Protection staff have access to appropriate training and guidance; and
- the management arrangements for UP and CPP services.