228 Items found
Published: Wednesday 4 October 2000

The audit examined a range of issues in relation to the development of certified agreements in the APS with particular emphasis on the link between improved pay and conditions and increased productivity, and the funding of agreements. The objectives of the audit were to:

  • provide an overview of the range of wage outcomes included in the first round of APS certified agreements;
  • identify the administrative arrangements agencies have in place to measure any improvements in productivity that were linked to pay increases;
  • determine how agencies funded their certified agreements;
  • review the reporting and accountability arrangements agencies have in place to monitor progress and to evaluate the outcomes of their certified agreements;
  • determine the extent to which agencies complied with the employment terms and conditions outlined in their certified agreements that contributed to paying for their agreement or measuring and/or assessing improvements in productivity; and
  • examine the role of central coordinating agencies in reviewing agencies' certified agreements.
Across Agency
Published: Tuesday 24 January 2012

The objective of the audit was to assess the implementation and effectiveness of the enhanced grants administration requirements for:

  • reporting to the Finance Minister on the awarding of grants within their own electorate by Ministers who are Members of the House of Representatives;
  • reporting to the Finance Minister on instances where Ministers have decided to approve a particular grant which the relevant agency has recommended be rejected; and
  • the website reporting of grants awarded.
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency; Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs; Department of Infrastructure and Transport; Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government
Published: Friday 7 February 2003

The Audit Activity Report: July-December 2002 summarises performance audit, financial audit and other related activities for the ANAO for the period. The key issues arising from the performance audits are summarised against the ANAO themes. The appendices in the report provide a short summary of each of the audits tabled for this period, the audits in progress as at 1 January 2003 and a list of the presentations and papers given by the Auditor-General and ANAO staff.

Audit Activity Report
Published: Tuesday 7 October 2003

This annual report documents the performance of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) in the financial year ending on 30 June 2003. It includes a comment by the Auditor-General; an overview of the report; a report on performance; details about management and accountability, and the financial statement for the year.

Published: Thursday 27 June 2002

The objectives of the audit were to assess the administrative and financial effectiveness of the Department of Finance and Administration's (Finance's) management of the Commonwealth's exposure under the DASFLEET Tied Contract; assess the effectiveness of Finance's monitoring of performance of the DASFLEET Tied Contract with Macquarie Fleet; and review the action taken by Finance in response to a recommendation of Audit Report No. 25 1998-99, Sale of DASFLEET.

Across Agency
Published: Tuesday 24 March 1998

The objectives in auditing the sale were to assess the extent to which the Government's sale objectives were achieved; review the efficiency of the management of the sale process; assess whether the sale arrangements adequately protected the Commonwealth's interests, including minimising ongoing Commonwealth risk; and identify principles of sound administrative practice to facilitate improved arrangements for future trade sales, particularly the later phases of airport sales.

Department of Transport and Regional Development; Office of Asset Sales and IT Outsourcing
Published: Tuesday 2 May 2006

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of management of the procurement of a major, new capability for the ADF by the DMO and Defence. The audit reviewed the initial capability requirements and approval process; analysed the contract negotiation process; and examined management of the Acquisition and Through-Life-Support Contracts. Coverage of the audit extended from development of the concept for the requirement, to acceptance of deliverables in the period prior to the award of the Australian Military Type Certificate (see shaded area of Figure 1). The audit fieldwork was undertaken during the delivery phase of the Project, following delivery of ARH numbers 1, 2 and 5.

Department of Defence; Defence Material Organisation
Published: Monday 18 November 1996

The purpose of the audit was to examine how efficiently and effectively the ATO managed its collection of outstanding tax debt. A framework for analysing the ATO's approach to collecting outstanding debt was established by the ANAO. This framework reflected five key criteria in the collection process as they apply to managing outstanding debt, namely:

  • initiatives to promote timely payment;
  • identification of outstanding debt;
  • setting priorities for collecting outstanding debt;
  • management of collection practices; and
  • collection results.
Australian Taxation Office
Published: Monday 24 June 2013

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Taxation Office’s management of its property portfolio.

Australian Taxation Office

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Thursday 26 June 1997

The ANAO's audit aims were to: examine the efficiency and effectiveness of DFAT's human resource management; and identify good practice, which could position the Department, and other APS agencies, to maximise opportunities afforded by the Government's emerging public sector reform agenda. The audit addressed a range of issues including the effectiveness of HR planning and forecasting, staff selection and deployment, performance management, and the fostering of relevant skills and knowledge.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade