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Indigenous Advancement Strategy
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 9 December 2015 to correspondence from the Hon Shayne Neumann MP on 7 September 2015 regarding Indigenous Advancement Strategy.
Auditor-General's response
9 December 2015
The Hon Shayne Neumann MP
Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs
Shadow Minister for Ageing
Federal Member for Blair
PO Box 5117
Dear Mr Neumann
Response to request for a performance audit of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy
I refer to your letter of 7 September 2015 requesting me to undertake an audit of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy with a particular focus on the application and assessment processes, availability of funding, distribution of grants, level of Ministerial discretion, incorporation requirements and transparency in data on Indigenous expenditure.
In light of your concerns, and the ongoing concerns raised in the Parliament and media, I have decided to conduct a performance audit of the establishment and implementation of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy.
The audit will examine whether the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has effectively established and implemented the Indigenous Advancement Strategy to support the achievement of the outcomes desired by government.
The audit is to commence in February 2016 and is expected to be tabled in the Parliament during the Spring 2016 sitting period.
If you have any questions regarding the audit please contact the responsible Group Executive Director, Michelle Kelly on (02) 6203 7677. I can also be contacted on (02) 6203 7500.
Yours sincerely
Grant Hehir
Correspondence from the Hon Shayne Neumann MP