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Implementation of the Defence Strategic Review
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This series of audits would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Defence’s (Defence’s) implementation of the Defence Strategic Review (the Review).
In April 2023, the Australian Government released the public version of the Review, which set a new reform agenda affecting Australia’s strategic posture, Defence capability and resource requirements, and force design for the Australian Defence Force. The Review identified rapid implementation as a key challenge for Defence and proposed a range of new or revised institutional arrangements to lead key initiatives, including a nuclear submarine agency and a nuclear regulator to support the AUKUS submarine initiative, a guided weapons and explosive ordnance ‘enterprise’ and the appointment of senior responsible officers for selected Review initiatives and focus areas. The Review also proposed a range of investments in Defence capability and infrastructure, and reprioritisation of the Integrated Investment Program. Audits in this series would focus on the effectiveness of Defence’s implementation of, and governance arrangements for, Government approved programs of work in response to the Review.