297 Items found
Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would assess to what extent the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has effectively managed its procurement contracts for Inland Rail.

Inland Rail is a key government infrastructure project. It involves building and operating a freight train line from Brisbane to Melbourne. Construction started in 2017 and is expected to finish in 2026.

In August 2021, the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee published a report which highlighted concerns with Inland Rail’s 2015 business case (Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, Inland Rail: derailed from the start (2021)). In October 2022, the Australian Government announced an independent review into Inland Rail. This was completed in April 2023 and made 19 recommendations focused around strengthening governance, reviewing risk approaches, assessing the scope and cost of Inland Rail including a revised delivery approach, consideration of further intermodal terminals, and maximising regional opportunities. The government agreed to all 19 recommendations.

Australian Rail Track Corporation

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Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would examine the stand up and early implementation of the Urgent Care Clinics (UCCs), including the selection of locations and providers for UCCs, and the establishment of performance measures and monitoring arrangements to enable the Department of Health and Aged Care to ensure UCCs are achieving their intended outcomes.

In the 2023–24 Federal Budget, the Australian Government announced $358.5 million over five years from 2022–23 to establish 58 UCCs. The UCCs aimed to reduce pressure on hospital emergency departments and make it easier for Australian families to see a doctor or a nurse when they require urgent but not life-threatening care. All UCCs were to be open during extended business hours, with no appointments required, and no out-of-pocket costs for patients. In the 2024–25 Federal Budget, the government announced $227.0 million over three years from 2023–24 to boost the capacity of UCCs (including a further 29 to be established for a total of 87) and provide additional support to clinics in regional and rural Australia.

Department of Health and Aged Care

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Potential audit: 2024-25

The audit would assess the effectiveness of the National Indigenous Australians Agency’s (NIAA’s) management of the regional network, including whether the regional network is achieving its objectives.

The NIAA administers the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). The IAS is supported by the NIAA’s regional network, which aims to position senior decision makers close to the people and communities they work with, in order to develop and implement local solutions to improve outcomes for Indigenous Australians. Auditor-General Report No. 7 2018–19 Management of the Regional Network found that the effectiveness of the management of the regional network was mixed, and the full potential of the regional network to facilitate the design and delivery of local solutions to local problems was not being maximized.

National Indigenous Australians Agency

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Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would assess how the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) monitors and assesses outcomes for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants and uses that data to assess the effectiveness of NDIS funded supports, supports the maintenance of the National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) and informs continuous improvement of NDIA processes.

The 2024–25 Federal Budget provided $45.5 million over four years (and $13.3 million per year ongoing) to establish a NDIS Evidence Advisory Committee to provide advice to government on the efficacy and cost-benefits of types of supports funded by the NDIS, aimed at improving outcomes and ensuring better value for participants.

National Disability Insurance Agency

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Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Social Services’ administration of grants awarded under the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program (Safe Places), including compliance with the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines, and management of the grants across the Safe Places program life cycle.

Safe Places is a capital works program funding the building, renovation or purchase of emergency accommodation for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. There have been two rounds of funding. Under successive National Plans to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, the Australian Government has committed over $170 million over seven years to Safe Places ($72.6 million for round 1 from 2020–21 to 2024–25, and $100 million for round 2 from 2022–23 to 2026–2027). The first round of grants, awarded in 2020, was intended to deliver new emergency and crisis accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic and family violence. The second round of grants, expected to be awarded in mid 2024, was designed to focus on improving access to appropriate emergency accommodation for First Nations women and children, women and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and women and children with disability.

Department of Social Services

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Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would examine the effectiveness of arrangements to establish Environment Protection Australia.

Environment Protection Australia (EPA) is an element of the Australian Government’s response to the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (Samuel Review). The EPA will be the national environmental protection agency, responsible for issuing permits and licenses; project assessments, decisions and post-approvals; compliance and enforcement; and assurance of the application of National Environmental Standards under accredited arrangements with the states and territories. The 2023–24 Federal Budget provided $121 million over four years (from 2023–24) to establish the EPA.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

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Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would examine the effectiveness of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Department of the Treasury, Department of Industry, Science and Resources and Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in managing residual risks still in existence after the abolition of the Modernising Business Registers program, and the management of risks after registry functions were transferred back to ASIC.

In 2020, as part of its Digital Business Plan, the Australian Government announced the full implementation of the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program to establish Australian Business Registry Services, and to streamline the way in which people register, view, and maintain business information with government. The Modernising Business Registers program was halted in August 2023.

Australian Taxation Office; Australian Securities & Investments Commission; Department of the Treasury; Department of Industry, Science and Resources

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Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would assess the extent to which entities’ use of the Management Advisory Services Panel supported the achievement of value for money.

The Management Advisory Services Panel (SON3751667) is a cooperative procurement arrangement managed by the Department of Finance. Such arrangements are intended to improve the quality, consistency, and efficiency of the procurement of Management Advisory Services by Commonwealth entities, while supporting entities to achieve value for money outcomes. The Panel supersedes the Business Advisory Services Panel, which ceased operation on 25 October 2022. As of 20 February 2023, there were 413 suppliers on the Panel, and all Australian Government agencies are authorised to access it.

Cross entity; Department of Finance

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Potential audit: 2024-25

This audit would assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO’s) management of taxpayers involved in the ATO’s Client Identity Support Centre (CISC).

When an individual has had their identity compromised, the ATO through the CISC supports the taxpayer to continue to participate in the taxation and superannuation system with further safeguards around their ATO account, and monitoring processes over their tax records.

Australian Taxation Office

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Potential audit: 2024-25

In its Report 495 Inquiry into Commonwealth Grants Administration, the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) recommended that the ANAO considers a future audit of the process by which the Minister for Finance is informed of grant approvals against the recommendation of the awarding agency. A cross portfolio audit examining this aspect of the grants framework was last conducted by the ANAO in 2011–12 (Auditor-General Report No. 21 2011–12 Administration of Grant Reporting Obligations). It is envisaged that a similar audit methodology will be employed, including undertaking a comprehensive analysis of agency briefs over a specified period provided to Ministerial decision-makers. The potential audit would also examine any analysis undertaken by the Department of Finance of reports provided to the Minister for Finance, and any resulting advice to the Minister for Finance either on a particular grant award or the grants framework.

Cross Entity

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