297 Items found
Due to table: June 2025
Report preparation

The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of Creative Australia’s fraud and corruption control arrangements.

Creative Australia

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Due to table: June 2025
Report preparation

The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of selected Commonwealth entities’ management of Senior Executive Service (SES) conflict of interest requirements.

Department of Home Affairs; Australian Trade and Investment Commission; Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Due to table: June 2025
Report preparation

The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of Airservices Australia’s management of the OneSKY contract.

Airservices Australia; Department of Defence

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Due to table: June 2025
Report preparation

The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) management of compliance in paying claims.

National Disability Insurance Agency

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Due to table: June 2025
Report preparation

The objective of this audit is examine whether Department of Defence's (Defence’s) management of the Strategic Domestic Munitions Manufacturing (SDMM) contract has achieved value for money and the effective delivery of the contracted arrangements.

Department of Defence

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Due to table: June 2025
Report preparation

The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission’s (NDIS Commission's) regulatory functions.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Potential audit: 2024-25

Grants are widely used to achieve Government policy outcomes. This audit would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Education's administration of a selection of grant programs, including those delivered with third parties. The audit would consider the design of the grants programs and whether the administration and management of the grant programs are consistent with the Australian Government Grants Framework.

Department of Education

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Potential audit: 2024-25

The Australian Government can undertake investments through a range of models to achieve policy and investment outcomes. This audit would assess the effectiveness of the utilisation of these investment models for a selection of investments. The audit would consider the design and governance arrangements of the selected investment models.

Department of Finance; Cross Entity

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Potential audit: 2024-25

The goal of the $250 million Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund (EMIIF) is to help address access to finance challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in South and South East Asia. It invests in funds and other financial intermediaries that in turn invest in early and growth stage SMEs with investments in the range of USD5,000 to USD2 million. The May 2023–24 Federal Budget measure that increased the size of the EMIIF stated that the majority of assistance would be provided via equity and loans (rather than grants), the cost of which will be met from Australia’s existing Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding.

EMIIF is an investment trust with DFAT as the sole beneficiary. Day to day management is undertaken by the investment manager appointed by DFAT and investment decision making is undertaken by the investment committee appointed by DFAT, as well as representatives from the investment manager. The design of EMIIF was intended to enable appropriate DFAT oversight by a DFAT delegate for the EMIIF being responsible for making any contractual and strategic decisions, who would be advised by an SES-level Impact Investing Advisory Group to provide advice, guidance and support regarding the overall direction and implementation of EMIIF and DFAT’s other impact investing programs. In addition, a Secretariat within DFAT is responsible for the day-to-day management of EMIIF, including interaction with counterparties to monitor ongoing performance, disseminate information and prepare relevant reporting to the advisory group or decision-makers.

The audit would examine DFAT’s establishment and oversight of the EMIIF.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.