1687 Items found
Published: Monday 12 September 2022

The objective of the audit was to examine the effectiveness of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's implementation of the National Waste Policy Action Plan 2019.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

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Published: Thursday 25 August 2022

This annual report documents the performance of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) in the financial year ended 30 June 2022. The report addresses all applicable obligations under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013; the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014; the Auditor-General Act 1997; the performance measures set out in the outcome and programs framework in the ANAO’s Portfolio Budget Statements 2021–22 and the ANAO Corporate Plan 2021–22; and annual reporting requirements set out in other relevant legislation.


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Published: Wednesday 17 August 2022

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the planning and implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Department of Health and Aged Care

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Published: Monday 15 August 2022

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Taxation Office’s engagement with tax practitioners in achieving efficient and effective taxation and superannuation systems.

Australian Taxation Office

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Published: Thursday 28 July 2022

The objective of the audit was to assess whether the award of funding under the Building Better Regions Fund was effective as well as being consistent with the Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines.

Department of Industry, Science and Resources; Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

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Published: Thursday 14 July 2022

The ANAO Workforce Plan 2022-25 outlines how we will attract, develop and retain the capability of our workforce, to ensure we are suitably skilled to deliver on our purpose to the Parliament – now and into the future. This is a summary of the full plan.


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Published: Wednesday 6 July 2022

The corporate plan is the ANAO’s primary planning document — it outlines our purpose; the dynamic environment in which we operate; our commitment to building capability; and the priorities, activities and performance measures by which we will be held to account.

The plan highlights our desire to engage positively and transparently in delivering audit and support services to the Parliament. In addition, the plan details our approach to risk management, which is critical to successfully meeting our responsibilities in providing professional and independent audits to the Parliament.

The corporate plan is complemented by the annual audit work program, which reflects the ANAO’s audit strategy for the coming year.


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Published: Wednesday 6 July 2022

Quality in the delivery of the ANAO’s audit services is critical in supporting the integrity of our audit reports and maintaining the confidence of the Parliament and public sector entities. The ANAO Corporate Plan 2022–23 is the ANAO’s primary planning document. It outlines our purpose; the dynamic environment in which we operate; our commitment to building capability; and the priorities, activities and performance measures by which we will be held to account. This Quality Assurance Framework and Plan complements the Corporate Plan. It describes the ANAO Quality Assurance Framework and reflects the ANAO’s quality assurance strategy and deliverables for the coming year.

The ANAO Quality Assurance Framework is the ANAO’s established system of quality control to provide the Auditor-General with reasonable assurance that the ANAO complies with the ANAO Auditing Standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and reports issued by the ANAO are appropriate in the circumstances.

The Quality Assurance Strategy and Plan component of this document identifies the key activities that the ANAO conducts to provide the Auditor-General with confidence that the controls established within the Quality Assurance Framework are implemented and operating effectively.

The ANAO reports on the audit quality indicators that measure the ANAO performance against target benchmarks in the annual Audit Quality Report published on the ANAO website. The Audit Quality Report also provides transparency with respect to the processes, policies and procedures that support each element of the ANAO Quality Assurance Framework and the achievement of the quality assurance strategy and deliverables set out in the Quality Assurance Framework and Plan.


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Published: Thursday 30 June 2022

The objective of the audit was to assess the compliance by selected Australian Public Service entities with legislation and other relevant requirements relating to staff leave.

Across Entities

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Published: Wednesday 29 June 2022

The objective of the audit was to examine the effectiveness of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ arrangements for the management of contractors.

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

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