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Federal Government drought funding measures
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General responded on 29 October 2019 to correspondence from the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP dated 1 October 2019, requesting that the Auditor-General conduct an examination of Federal Government drought funding measures. The Auditor-General provided a follow-up response to the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP on 24 July 2020.
Auditor-General's follow-up response
24 July 2020
The Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP
Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources
By email:
Dear Mr Fitzgibbon
On 29 October 2019 I wrote to you noting that I would consider your request for an audit of the Drought Communities Program in the development of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) 2020-21 Annual Audit Work Program (AAWP).
On the basis of this consideration, a potential performance audit topic has been included in the AAWP titled Administration of the Drought Communities Program and Drought Communities Program Extension.
The AAWP is available from the ANAO’s website at
It should be noted that the composition of the audit program may change as more detailed planning is undertaken or as other issues emerge or priorities identified over the course of the year. I also intend to undertake further consideration of COVID-19 related topics as the government response to this pandemic is implemented.
Yours sincerely
Grant Hehir
Auditor-General's response
29 October 2019
The Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP
Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources
By email:
Dear Mr Fitzgibbon
I am writing in response to your letter of 1 October 2019, requesting that I consider examining all Government drought initiatives since 2014 with particular reference to:
- the Government’s claim it is spending $7 billion; and
- the design, implementation and effectiveness of each program, including the Drought Communities Program.
The Department of Agriculture has advised that as at 2 October 2019, there were 21 measures included in the $7 billion drought support funding. The attachment to this letter provides information about each measure and its value.
A number of considerations are made when considering topics for inclusion in the Australian National Audit Office’s (ANAO’s) annual audit work program including risk, impact, importance, materiality, auditability and coverage. In developing the work program I also consider the priorities of the Parliament, as advised by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA).
Based on these criteria, the extent of your request to audit each drought related program would be across the 21 measures independently, as each measure is administered separately. As detailed in the attachment to this letter, seven of the 21 measures have been subject to previous or current audits. These audits have focussed on the larger or more established programs and includes tabled audits on the Farm Management Deposits Scheme (26 June 2019), Design and Governance of the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund (28 February 2018) and Administration of Concessional Loans Programs (28 April 2016), and audits that are underway on the design and establishment of the Regional Investment Corporation (scheduled to table in April 2020), Procurement of strategic water entitlements (scheduled to table in December 2019), and on Bilateral agreement arrangements between Services Australia and other entities (scheduled to table in March 2020), which will examine the administration of the farm household allowance. In addition, the 2019–20 work program includes a potential audit topic on Treasury’s management of the balance sheet — concessional loans, that may include an examination of the Regional Investment Corporation loans.
Given the extent of audit activity recently undertaken, currently underway and potential, I do not intend to commence additional audits on the matters referred at this time. I have, however, noted your specific reference to the Drought Communities Program and will consider the inclusion of this in the ANAO’s 2020–21 Annual Audit Work Program.
Yours sincerely
Grant Hehir
Attachment A: Drought funding breakdown
Information provided by the Department of Agriculture, as at 2 October 2019 |
Value and description quoted from Budget Papers |
Related Auditor-General reports tabled, current and potential 2019–20 topics |
Drought Measure |
Value |
1 |
Future Drought Fund |
$5,000,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018-191, p.177:
Auditor-General Report No.50 of 2004-05 Drought Assistance (tabled June 2005) Auditor-General Report No.53 of 2010–11 Drought Assistance (tabled June 2011) |
2 |
Regional Investment Corporation loans |
$1,000,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.151: Making available $1.0 billion over four years from 2018–19 to allow the loans issued by the Regional Investment Corporation to be increased, thereby making more low cost capital available for farmers to help them manage through, and recover from, drought. This includes increasing the maximum loan size, available for both farm investment and drought loans, from $1.0 million to $2.0 million, and increasing total funding available for loans from $250.0 million to $500.0 million per annum. |
Auditor-General Report No.28 of 2015–16 Administration of Concessional Loans Programs (tabled April 2016) Design and establishment of the Regional Investment Corporation (due to table April 2020) Treasury’s management of the balance sheet — concessional loans (potential audit) |
3 |
National Water Infrastructure Development Fund |
$750,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.206: The Government will provide an additional $750.0 million over six years from 2019–20 for the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund including:
Auditor-General Report No.30 of 2017–18 Design and Governance of the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund (tabled February 2018) Procurement of strategic water entitlements (due to table December 2019) |
4 |
Farm Household Allowance |
$183,300,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.150: $196.3 million over four years from 2018–19 for changes to the Farm Household Allowance (FHA), to immediately assist farmers who are suffering ongoing hardship to access income support by increasing the number of farmers eligible for payments and increasing the level of support available |
Bilateral agreement arrangements between Services Australia and other entities (due to table March 2020) |
5 |
Drought Communities Program extension and Drought Community Support Initiative |
$116,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.151:
6 |
Bureau of Meteorology radars |
$77,200,000 |
2019–20 Budget Paper No 22, p.73: The Government will provide $28.0 million over four years from 2019–20 for the installation of Bureau of Meteorology radars and rain gauges ($77.2 million over the life of the installations to 30 June 2042) to address gaps in weather monitoring infrastructure in Queensland. |
Auditor-General Report No.39 of 2018–19 The Bureau of Meteorology’s Delivery of Extreme Weather Services (tabled May 2019) |
7 |
Taxation Measures, including accelerated fodder storage asset depreciation and Farm Management Deposits |
$75,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.151: $75.0 million over three years from 2019–20 to accelerate fodder storage assets depreciation over one year rather than three, to encourage the storage of fodder in good growing seasons when it is less expensive, for use in periods of drought when on-ground feed is more limited. This measure applies on an ongoing basis from 19 August 2018. |
Auditor-General Report No.51 of 2018–19 Farm Management Deposits Scheme (tabled June 2019) |
8 |
On-farm emergency water infrastructure rebate scheme |
$50,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.152: $50.0 million over three years from 2018–19 for state and territory governments to install on-farm water-related infrastructure in drought-affected areas for stock watering purposes; |
9 |
Empowering our Community and Connecting Youth Awareness — raising Initiative and the Telehealth Services |
$26,900,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.151: The Government is providing $26.9 million for the creation and expansion of the Empowering Our Community and Connecting Youth Awareness-Raising Initiatives and the expansion of Medicare Benefits Schedule telehealth services in drought affected rural and regional areas, to improve access to mental health support services. |
10 |
Great Artesian Basin |
$23,700,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.152: $23.7 million over three years from 2019–20 for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) state and territory governments to implement a range of immediate and long-term measures to enhance water security for GAB water users. |
11 |
Drought Communities Programme |
$15,000,000 |
2019–20 Budget Paper No 2, p.124: $15.0 million in 2019–20 for the Drought Communities Programme to deliver local infrastructure and drought-relief projects in a further 15 drought-affected councils across Australia |
12 |
Wild dog fencing and other pest and weed management |
$15,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.152: $15.0 million in 2018–19 to manage pests and weeds that can undermine drought management and recovery efforts. |
13 |
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal |
$15,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.152: $15.0 million over three years from 2018–19 for the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal to deliver small- scale grants to improve social connectedness and stimulate the economy in drought-affected regional communities |
14 |
Joint Agency Drought Taskforce |
$5,600,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.152: This package includes $5.6 million over two years from 2018–19 (including $0.3 million in capital funding) to establish a Joint Agency Drought Taskforce, led by the Coordinator General for Drought. |
15 |
Rural Financial Counselling Service |
$5,000,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.151: $5.0 million in 2018–19 for the Rural Financial Counselling Service to improve support to farmers, particularly to assist them make their Farm Household Allowance applications. |
16 |
Country Women’s Association of Australia |
$5,000,000 |
2019–20 Budget Paper, No 2, p.124: $5.0 million in 2018–19 for the Country Women’s Association of Australia to provide assistance to drought- affected communities. |
17 |
National Drought Map |
$4,200,000 |
2019–20 Budget Paper, No 2, p.48: The Government will provide $4.2 million over four years from 2019–20 (and $0.5 million per year ongoing) to improve and maintain the National Drought Map. |
18 |
Farm Household Allowance destocking |
$3,100,000 |
2019–20 Budget Paper No 2, p.46: The Government will provide $3.1 million over two years from 2018–19 to exempt net income generated from the forced sale of livestock from Farm Household Allowance (FHA) payment assessment, when that income is invested into a Farm Management Deposit. |
19 |
Regional weather and climate guides to help with on-farm decision making |
$2,700,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.151: $2.7 million over two years from 2018–19 for the Bureau of Meteorology to create localised weather intelligence guides to enable farmers to improve their ability to make quantitative business risk management decisions. |
Auditor-General Report No.39 of 2018–19 The Bureau of Meteorology’s Delivery of Extreme Weather Services (tabled May 2019) |
20 |
Empowering our Communities Initiative (additional) |
$2,500,000 |
2019–20 Budget Paper, No 2, p.106 The Government will provide $5.5 million over four years from 2018–19 for additional mental health services and support for communities impacted by natural disasters in Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania. |
21 |
FarmHub (managed by the National Farmers’ Federation) |
$400,000 |
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2018–19, p.151: $0.4 million over three years from 2018–19 for a Farm Hub hosted on the National Farmers Federation website to provide a coordinated and comprehensive online information source of the support available to farmers. |
Total |
$7,375,600,000 |
Correspondence from the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP

Transcript of letter from the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP
1 October 2019
Mr Grant Hehir
Australian National Audit Office
GPO Box 707
Canberra ACT 2601
Dear Mr Hehir
RE: Federal Government Drought Funding Measures
I write to raise my concerns about the Commonwealth’s various responses to the terrible drought affecting large parts of Australia. I am particularly concerned to ensure drought programs are both effective in assisting farmers and rural communities and are delivering value for taxpayers.
I seek your consideration of an ANAO examination of all Government drought initiatives since 2014 with particular reference to:
- The Government’s claim it is spending $7 billion, a number that does not appear to be reflected in actual measures; and
- The design, implementation and effectiveness of each program, including the Drought Communities Program.
For your information I refer you to a Government issued media release dated Friday, 27 September 2019, which inter alia referred to its latest drought package as “a new support package will deliver nearly $100 million to drought-hit communities, which is on top of more than $7 billion in drought support funding already provided by the Government.”
For your convenience I have attached a copy of the joint media release by the Prime Minister; Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Minister for Agriculture; and Minister for Water Resources.
I am further concerned that the Government has refused to make public the report of the Drought Coordinator, Major General Stephen Day.
Your positive consideration of my request will be appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information regarding this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Joel Fitzgibbon MP
Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources
Federal Member for Hunter