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Commonwealth funding for the WestConnex Project: Senator Lee Rhiannon
Please direct enquiries relating to requests for audit through our contact page.
The Auditor-General (A/g) wrote on 18 May 2016 to Senator Lee Rhiannon regarding the ANAO performance audit of the approval and administration of Commonwealth funding for the WestConnex Project. This is a follow-up to correspondence with Senator Rhiannon published on 8 September 2015.
Auditor-General's response
18 May 2016
Senator Lee Rhiannon
Senator for New South Wales
Dear Senator Rhiannon
ANAO performance audit of the approval and administration of Commonwealth funding for the WestConnex Project
On 10 August 2015, you wrote to the Auditor-General requesting that the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) conduct an audit of the WestConnex Project. As foreshadowed in correspondence of 8 September 2015, a decision on whether to conduct an audit of the WestConnex Project was to be made later in the financial year.
The Auditor-General has decided to conduct a performance audit under sub-section 18(1) of the Auditor General Act 1997.
The objective of the audit is to assess whether appropriate steps were taken to protect the Commonwealth's interests and obtain value for money in respect to the $3.5 billion in Commonwealth funding committed to the NSW Government for the WestConnex project. The audit criteria are depicted in the attached diagram (Attachment A).
The scope of the audit includes the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development and Infrastructure Australia. The report is expected to be tabled in the Autumn 2017 session of the Parliament.
If you have any questions regarding the audit, our contact for the audit is Ms Michelle Kelly, Group Executive Director, on 6203 7677 or Alternatively, your staff may wish to contact the Executive Director responsible for the audit, Brian Boyd on 6203 7672 or Should you wish receive further updates on this audit, please visit to register.
Yours sincerely
Rona Mellor PSM
Acting Auditor-General
Attachment A — Audit objective and criteria