The SETS program aims to equip and empower humanitarian entrants, other eligible permanent migrants and their communities to address their settlement needs. The program commenced on 1 January 2019 as an enhanced version of the former Settlement Grants program (a performance audit of that program was completed by the ANAO in 2009, Auditor-General Report No. 36 2008–09 Settlement Grants Program).

Funding was originally awarded via an open call for applications conducted through the Community Grants Hub, with $162 million advertised as available for both components (Client Services, up to $150 million and Community Capacity Building, up to $12 million) over a three-and-a-half-year period to 30 June 2022. That process saw 102 grant agreements entered into with providers. Most grant agreements have been varied to extend their duration for a further two years, and some further grants have been awarded including for an innovation fund, taking the total value of the SETS grants awarded to $348 million under 119 grant agreements.

The audit would examine whether the award and management of funding was consistent with the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines.


* indicates required

Work program portfolio

This potential Performance audit is featured in 1 annual audit work program portfolio: