This audit would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s management of Australia’s Antarctic presence, including arrangements to support Australia fulfilling its environmental responsibilities.

The Madrid Protocol, adopted in 1991, establishes Australia’s environmental responsibilities in Antarctica. Recent developments in the Australian Antarctic Program include the Australian Antarctic Strategy and 20–year Action Plan, and the launch of the new icebreaking ship in October 2021.

The latest update to the Action Plan was released in 2022, and approximately $800 million was invested in Australia’s Antarctic presence in the March 2022–23 Budget. The 2023–24 Mid-Year Economic Forecast and 2024–25 Federal Budget both provided additional funding to continue delivery of the Australian Antarctic Program and to expand Australian international scientific activities in the region, including funding works at the Macquarie Island research station and increasing operations of the research vessel RSV Nuyina.


* indicates required

Work program portfolio

This potential Performance audit is featured in 1 annual audit work program portfolio: