Browse our range of reports and publications including performance and financial statement audit reports, assurance review reports, information reports and annual reports.
The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of Creative Australia’s fraud and corruption control arrangements.
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The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of selected Commonwealth entities’ management of Senior Executive Service (SES) conflict of interest requirements.
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The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of Airservices Australia’s management of the OneSKY contract.
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The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) management of compliance in paying claims.
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The objective of this audit is examine whether Department of Defence's (Defence’s) management of the Strategic Domestic Munitions Manufacturing (SDMM) contract has achieved value for money and the effective delivery of the contracted arrangements.
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The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission’s (NDIS Commission's) regulatory functions.
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Grants are widely used to achieve Government policy outcomes. This audit would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Education's administration of a selection of grant programs, including those delivered with third parties. The audit would consider the design of the grants programs and whether the administration and management of the grant programs are consistent with the Australian Government Grants Framework.
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The Australian Government can undertake investments through a range of models to achieve policy and investment outcomes. This audit would assess the effectiveness of the utilisation of these investment models for a selection of investments. The audit would consider the design and governance arrangements of the selected investment models.
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The goal of the $250 million Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund (EMIIF) is to help address access to finance challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in South and South East Asia. It invests in funds and other financial intermediaries that in turn invest in early and growth stage SMEs with investments in the range of USD5,000 to USD2 million. The May 2023–24 Federal Budget measure that increased the size of the EMIIF stated that the majority of assistance would be provided via equity and loans (rather than grants), the cost of which will be met from Australia’s existing Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding.
EMIIF is an investment trust with DFAT as the sole beneficiary. Day to day management is undertaken by the investment manager appointed by DFAT and investment decision making is undertaken by the investment committee appointed by DFAT, as well as representatives from the investment manager. The design of EMIIF was intended to enable appropriate DFAT oversight by a DFAT delegate for the EMIIF being responsible for making any contractual and strategic decisions, who would be advised by an SES-level Impact Investing Advisory Group to provide advice, guidance and support regarding the overall direction and implementation of EMIIF and DFAT’s other impact investing programs. In addition, a Secretariat within DFAT is responsible for the day-to-day management of EMIIF, including interaction with counterparties to monitor ongoing performance, disseminate information and prepare relevant reporting to the advisory group or decision-makers.
The audit would examine DFAT’s establishment and oversight of the EMIIF.
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This audit would assess the effectiveness of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Fraud Fusion Taskforce, to determine how government agencies work together to detect, resolve and prevent fraud and serious organised crime in the NDIS, while maintaining a focus on participant safety and welfare.
The NDIS Fraud Fusion Taskforce commenced in November 2022, co-led by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and Services Australia, with 14 other government agencies including the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. $126.3 million was allocated over four years in the October 2022–23 Federal Budget to establish the taskforce.
The 2024–25 Federal Budget allocated funding of $35.6 million, in addition to the allocation of $48.3 million over two years from 2023–24, to boost fraud detecting information technology systems at the NDIA and $23.5 million over two years for Services Australia to continue fraud investigation and response activities as part of the Fraud Fusion Taskforce.
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The Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) require that, in order to draw the market’s early attention to potential opportunities, each entity must maintain on AusTender a current procurement plan containing a short strategic procurement outlook. Entity procurement plans are also to include the subject matter of any significant planned procurement and the estimated publication date of the approach to market. Plans are to be updated regularly throughout the year. As at November 2023, 52% of the 133 reporting entities had not updated their procurement plans in over two years. Of the 3,752 open tenders published on AusTender between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2023, 799 (21.3%) were reported as having been included in an Annual Procurement Plan.
This audit would examine the preparation of entity procurement plans and their effectiveness, including by analysing the extent to which significant procurements conducted had been included in the relevant annual procurement plan.
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This audit would examine the effectiveness of the allocation of funding for assistive technology supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including how the NDIA assesses these supports as reasonable and necessary for each participant and manages associated fraud risks.
Assistive technology is a support category for devices, mobility aides, software, equipment, vehicle modifications or animals that assist people with disability to do things more easily, safely or independently. Funding for assistive technology under the NDIS must meet ‘reasonable and necessary’ decision criteria. In the twelve months to 30 September 2023, assistive technology accounted for 3 per cent ($1.4 billion) of annualised committed supports in current participant plans.
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This audit would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) and the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) in the development and implementation of frameworks to govern the use of new and emerging technologies. DISR has oversight of frameworks that support Australian industries (private sector) and DTA oversees Australian Government entities’ application of emerging technology such as artificial intelligence (AI).
The Australian Government announced $101.2 million in the 2023–24 Federal Budget to support businesses to integrate quantum and AI technologies into their operations. The investment is expected to support the creation of 1.2 million tech-related jobs by 2030, increasing local capacity and capability and driving the uptake of these technologies.
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This audit would examine the effectiveness of Defence’s establishment and management of the Major Service Provider (MSP) Panel.
The MSP Agreement 2018–2026 was established to facilitate the engagement and management of large, long-term, multi-discipline and integrated work packages across the air, land and maritime capability domains. Defence selected four consortia (comprising 13 companies) as MSPs under the panel arrangements, which commenced in February 2018. AusTender data as at December 2023 indicated that the four MSPs had been awarded 351 contracts with a reported total value of $4.47 billion since the commencement of the panel in February 2018.
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This audit would assess the implementation of the Australian Public Service (APS) ethical frameworks by the Australian Taxation Office. The APS ethical frameworks comprise the legal framework (the basis of which is the Public Service Act 1999 and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013); activity-specific frameworks (such as the Commonwealth Procurement Rules and Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines); government policies; and entity-specific frameworks (including the requirements of enabling legislation, Accountable Authority Instructions and other internal policies).
This is part of a series of audits on the implementation of ethical frameworks in APS Agencies.
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The audit would assess the administration of procurement on the construction and development of the National Security Office precinct.
The Department of Finance is leading the development of a National Security Office Precinct (Precinct) at the York Park in Barton, ACT. The Precinct will provide a permanent solution to the critical accommodation and capability requirements of several national security and other Commonwealth agencies. The Precinct is expected to accommodate up to 5,000 workers.
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In 2005, a 12-year $106 million contract was entered into by the Australian Government for helicopter response, surveillance and logistics support missions to prevent people smuggling and manage other maritime threats across the North West approaches of Australia. The term of the contract is due to expire in 2024 at an estimated total cost of $182 million. The Department of Home Affairs’ Annual Procurement Plan includes conducting a procurement in 2023—24 to replace this contract.
As set out in Auditor-General Report No. 6 2021–22, Management of the Civil Maritime Surveillance Services Contract the rotary wing contract is the second and smaller of two contracts the department has in place for aerial surveillance. The procurement process for, and management of, the rotary wing services contract was not examined in Auditor-General Report No. 6 of 2021–22 Management of the Civil Maritime Surveillance Contract. The conduct of the procurement of a new contract for rotary wing surveillance, response and logistic support services will provide an early indication of whether lessons have been learned from the management of the civil maritime surveillance services contract examined in that Auditor-General Report. The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit has recommended that the ANAO undertake a performance audit of the Department of Home Affairs’ transition to the new surveillance services contract when the current contract expires (in 2027).
The audit would assess whether the conduct of the procurement employed open and effective competition and achieved value for money, consistent with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs).
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The audit will assess the effectiveness of the Department of Health and Aged Care’s (Health’s) approach to health provider compliance, including its response to the 2023 Independent Review of Medicare Integrity and Compliance. The audit will also examine the Professional Services Review Scheme, which investigates Medicare-referred cases of possible inappropriate practice in relation to Medicare, Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Health has policy responsibility for Medicare, the CDBS and the PBS. Through its Health Benefit Compliance Program, the department aims to support the integrity of health benefit claims through prevention, early identification and treatment of incorrect claiming, inappropriate practice and fraud. Auditor-General Report No. 17 2020–21 Managing Health Provider Compliance found that the department’s approach to health provider compliance was partially effective, due in part to a lack of risk-based compliance planning and monitoring of compliance outcomes. The Independent Review of Medicare Integrity and Compliance (the Philip Review), completed in March 2023, made a number of recommendations to strengthen the integrity of the Medicare system and its health provider compliance mechanisms. In the 2023–24 Federal Budget Health received $29.8 million to establish a taskforce to respond to the review’s recommendations. In the 2024–25 Budget, Health received $18.1 million over four years to extend and expand the government’s response to the Philip Review.
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This audit would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) in managing its backlog of compensation claims under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004.
DVA is responsible for processing veteran compensation claims for liability, permanent impairment and incapacity. As at September 2022, DVA had a backlog of 45,226 compensation claims (claims not allocated to a claims officer). The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide’s August 2022 Interim Report included a recommendation for DVA to eliminate the claims backlog. The Australian Government agreed to the recommendation. The Australian Government provided $298 million over four years (across October 2022–23 and May 2023–24 Federal Budgets), to employ 500 additional frontline staff to process claims and maintain a skilled workforce. As at 30 April 2024, DVA had allocated 94.3 per cent of the backlog identified by the Royal Commission (41,799) and there were 73,590 claims with a claims officer for processing.
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This audit would assess to what extent the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has effectively managed its procurement contracts for Inland Rail.
Inland Rail is a key government infrastructure project. It involves building and operating a freight train line from Brisbane to Melbourne. Construction started in 2017 and is expected to finish in 2026.
In August 2021, the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee published a report which highlighted concerns with Inland Rail’s 2015 business case (Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, Commonwealth of Australia, Inland Rail: derailed from the start (2021)). In October 2022, the Australian Government announced an independent review into Inland Rail. This was completed in April 2023 and made 19 recommendations focused around strengthening governance, reviewing risk approaches, assessing the scope and cost of Inland Rail including a revised delivery approach, consideration of further intermodal terminals, and maximising regional opportunities. The government agreed to all 19 recommendations.
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This audit would examine the stand up and early implementation of the Urgent Care Clinics (UCCs), including the selection of locations and providers for UCCs, and the establishment of performance measures and monitoring arrangements to enable the Department of Health and Aged Care to ensure UCCs are achieving their intended outcomes.
In the 2023–24 Federal Budget, the Australian Government announced $358.5 million over five years from 2022–23 to establish 58 UCCs. The UCCs aimed to reduce pressure on hospital emergency departments and make it easier for Australian families to see a doctor or a nurse when they require urgent but not life-threatening care. All UCCs were to be open during extended business hours, with no appointments required, and no out-of-pocket costs for patients. In the 2024–25 Federal Budget, the government announced $227.0 million over three years from 2023–24 to boost the capacity of UCCs (including a further 29 to be established for a total of 87) and provide additional support to clinics in regional and rural Australia.
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The audit would assess the effectiveness of the National Indigenous Australians Agency’s (NIAA’s) management of the regional network, including whether the regional network is achieving its objectives.
The NIAA administers the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). The IAS is supported by the NIAA’s regional network, which aims to position senior decision makers close to the people and communities they work with, in order to develop and implement local solutions to improve outcomes for Indigenous Australians. Auditor-General Report No. 7 2018–19 Management of the Regional Network found that the effectiveness of the management of the regional network was mixed, and the full potential of the regional network to facilitate the design and delivery of local solutions to local problems was not being maximized.
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This audit would assess how the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) monitors and assesses outcomes for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants and uses that data to assess the effectiveness of NDIS funded supports, supports the maintenance of the National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) and informs continuous improvement of NDIA processes.
The 2024–25 Federal Budget provided $45.5 million over four years (and $13.3 million per year ongoing) to establish a NDIS Evidence Advisory Committee to provide advice to government on the efficacy and cost-benefits of types of supports funded by the NDIS, aimed at improving outcomes and ensuring better value for participants.
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This audit would assess the effectiveness of the Department of Social Services’ administration of grants awarded under the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program (Safe Places), including compliance with the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines, and management of the grants across the Safe Places program life cycle.
Safe Places is a capital works program funding the building, renovation or purchase of emergency accommodation for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. There have been two rounds of funding. Under successive National Plans to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, the Australian Government has committed over $170 million over seven years to Safe Places ($72.6 million for round 1 from 2020–21 to 2024–25, and $100 million for round 2 from 2022–23 to 2026–2027). The first round of grants, awarded in 2020, was intended to deliver new emergency and crisis accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic and family violence. The second round of grants, expected to be awarded in mid 2024, was designed to focus on improving access to appropriate emergency accommodation for First Nations women and children, women and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and women and children with disability.
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This audit would examine the effectiveness of arrangements to establish Environment Protection Australia.
Environment Protection Australia (EPA) is an element of the Australian Government’s response to the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (Samuel Review). The EPA will be the national environmental protection agency, responsible for issuing permits and licenses; project assessments, decisions and post-approvals; compliance and enforcement; and assurance of the application of National Environmental Standards under accredited arrangements with the states and territories. The 2023–24 Federal Budget provided $121 million over four years (from 2023–24) to establish the EPA.
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This audit would examine the effectiveness of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Department of the Treasury, Department of Industry, Science and Resources and Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in managing residual risks still in existence after the abolition of the Modernising Business Registers program, and the management of risks after registry functions were transferred back to ASIC.
In 2020, as part of its Digital Business Plan, the Australian Government announced the full implementation of the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program to establish Australian Business Registry Services, and to streamline the way in which people register, view, and maintain business information with government. The Modernising Business Registers program was halted in August 2023.
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This audit would assess the extent to which entities’ use of the Management Advisory Services Panel supported the achievement of value for money.
The Management Advisory Services Panel (SON3751667) is a cooperative procurement arrangement managed by the Department of Finance. Such arrangements are intended to improve the quality, consistency, and efficiency of the procurement of Management Advisory Services by Commonwealth entities, while supporting entities to achieve value for money outcomes. The Panel supersedes the Business Advisory Services Panel, which ceased operation on 25 October 2022. As of 20 February 2023, there were 413 suppliers on the Panel, and all Australian Government agencies are authorised to access it.
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This audit would assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO’s) management of taxpayers involved in the ATO’s Client Identity Support Centre (CISC).
When an individual has had their identity compromised, the ATO through the CISC supports the taxpayer to continue to participate in the taxation and superannuation system with further safeguards around their ATO account, and monitoring processes over their tax records.
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In its Report 495 Inquiry into Commonwealth Grants Administration, the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) recommended that the ANAO considers a future audit of the process by which the Minister for Finance is informed of grant approvals against the recommendation of the awarding agency. A cross portfolio audit examining this aspect of the grants framework was last conducted by the ANAO in 2011–12 (Auditor-General Report No. 21 2011–12 Administration of Grant Reporting Obligations). It is envisaged that a similar audit methodology will be employed, including undertaking a comprehensive analysis of agency briefs over a specified period provided to Ministerial decision-makers. The potential audit would also examine any analysis undertaken by the Department of Finance of reports provided to the Minister for Finance, and any resulting advice to the Minister for Finance either on a particular grant award or the grants framework.
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