Browse our range of reports and publications including performance and financial statement audit reports, assurance review reports, information reports and annual reports.
The objective of the audit was to determine whether the Department of Health and Family Services had managed its coordinating role and implemented its responsibilities under the National Rural Health Strategy efficiently and effectively.
The Australian Diplomatic Communications Network was developed to provide a secure communication and automation capability for domestic offices and overseas posts. The audit focussed on project management of the ADCNET project, and in particular:
- how effectively the ADCNET project was managed;
- how effectively project risks were managed; and
- the extent to which project management processes have established whether ADCNET meets the specifications set by, and the expectations held by, DFAT, as well as any lessons to be learnt for this and other future projects.
The objective of the audit was to report on whether Defence applies Life-cycle Costing appropriately in support of decisions throughout the acquisition and management of its capital assets, and to make recommendations for any improvement. Criteria were established against each of the issues considered by the audit, namely LCC policy and coordination, use of LCC in investment decisions, use of LCC to support budgeting, data to support LCC and LCC training and education.
In the light of the concerns raised by the Leader of the Opposition and some other Members of Parliament about the allocation of financial assistance approved under the NHT, it was decided to undertake preliminary inquiries. The inquiries focussed on the transparency and rigour of the decision-making process for projects approved for NHT funding.
The objectives for the audit were to assess the:
- economy, administrative effectiveness, and accountability of DVA's management of the purchase of hospital services from State and Territory governments; and
- strategies adopted by DVA to manage change associated with its purchase of hospital care services from State and Territory governments.
The twin aims were to provide assurance to stakeholders and to identify any area in which improvements could be made to achieve better results.
The ANAO first examined asset management in the general government sector in 1995. The outcome of that review was presented in Audit Report No. 27, 1995-96, Asset Management. The primary objectives of the current review were to:
- ascertain the degree of acceptance of the previous audit recommendations;
- establish the extent to which organisations were managing their assets in accordance with the asset management principles espoused in the Asset Management Handbook; and
- examine any central coordination initiatives in asset management.
Meeting these objectives permits the ANAO to express an updated opinion on the state of asset management in the general government sector other than for specialised military equipment.
The objective of the audit was to assess the performance of the Child Support Agency in the administration of key aspects of the Child Support Scheme. The ANAO previously audited the CSA in 1993-94 and identified scope for improvement in the management and administration of the Child Support Scheme. Particular areas of audit concern included client service, staff training and debt management. The current audit has reviewed the CSA's progress in improving Agency performance since that time. The audit focused initially on the areas identified in the previous audit, but also sought to identify further opportunities for improvement where appropriate.
The objectives in auditing the sale were to assess the extent to which the Government's sale objectives were achieved; review the efficiency of the management of the sale process; assess whether the sale arrangements adequately protected the Commonwealth's interests, including minimising ongoing Commonwealth risk; and identify principles of sound administrative practice to facilitate improved arrangements for future trade sales, particularly the later phases of airport sales.
The audit reviewed the Defence's $5.05 billion New Submarine Project which commenced in 1982 and involves design and construction of six Collins class submarines and associated supplies and services. The objectives of the audit were to assess project management by the Department's Project Office in the light of accepted better-practice project management techniques. It also aimed to derive lessons learnt and recommendations that could be applied to the Project and to similar Defence projects now and in the future. The audit follows a 1992 audit of the Project by the ANAO and a review by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts in 1995.
The purpose of this follow-up audit was to report on action taken by the Department of Social Security and Centrelink in addressing the recommendations of Audit Report No.23 1993-94 Protection of Confidential Client Information from Unauthorised Disclosure. The objectives were to:
- ascertain the extent to which the recommendations of the original audit have been implemented;
- identify other changes made in relation to data confidentiality within the Social Security portfolio since 1993;
- assess the impact of the changes made; and
- identify any scope for further improvement.