1216 Items found
Published: Thursday 27 January 2005

Medicare is Australia's universal health insurance scheme. Underpinning Medicare is one of Australia's largest and more complex computer databases the Medicare enrolment database. At the end of 2004 the Medicare enrolment database contained information on over 24 million individuals. This audit examines the quality of data stored on that database and how the Health Insurance Commission (HIC) manages the data.

Health Insurance Commission; Medicare Australia; Human Services
Published: Tuesday 22 June 2010

The objective of the audit was to assess the Child Support Agency's effectiveness in managing the implementation of the Building a Better Child Support Agency program.

Department of Human Services
Published: Monday 22 May 2017

The audit Administration of ABSTUDY and the audit Administration of Youth Allowance have been combined to table as one report titled Administration of ABSTUDY and Administration of Youth Allowance.

The objective of both audits was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department of Social Services’ and the Department of Human Services’ program administration.

Department of Social Services; Department of Human Services

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Thursday 19 June 2014

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ administration of residential care payments.

Department of Veterans' Affairs

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Wednesday 25 January 2006

The ANAO conducted fieldwork in each of the audited agencies to identify the processes they used to design and review forms. The ANAO also identified the extent to which the agencies' forms are available online and their approaches to placing forms online.

Australian Bureau of Statistics; Centrelink; Child Support Agency; Medicare Australia
Published: Thursday 17 April 2014

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the design and conduct of the funding round for the Building Better Regional Cities Program.

Department of Social Services; Department of the Environment

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Wednesday 24 January 2007

The objectives of this audit were to:

  • examine the effectiveness of ASIC's processes for receiving reports of suspected breaches of the Corporations Act; and
  • assess the efficiency with which statutory reports are referred and investigated by ASIC.

The audit commenced in February 2006. ANAO undertook an assessment of ASIC's processes for receiving and referring for investigation statutory reports. ANAO also undertook a detailed examination of a random sample of 416 statutory reports received by ASIC in the period 2002–03 to 2004–05.

The audit scope did not extend to the role of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions in prosecuting offences referred to it by ASIC.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Published: Monday 22 November 1999

Special Benefit is a social security income support payment for people who are unable to support themselves or their dependents, and who are not otherwise entitled to any other income support payment. Its objective is to ensure that such people have adequate levels of income. The objective of the audit was to assess the extent to which new claims for Special Benefit had been determined in compliance with the Social Security Act, the Guide to the Act and other relevant guidelines, and whether Centrelink and FaCS had appropriate procedures to help ensure such compliance.

Centrelink; Department of Family and Community Services
Published: Wednesday 9 March 2005

Given the importance of customer feedback to Centrelink's business, the ANAO considered it timely to conduct a series of performance audits relating to Centrelink's customer feedback systems, particularly in relation to its delivery of the services then provided on behalf of FaCS. The overarching objective of this series of ANAO performance audits of Centrelink's customer feedback systems was to assess whether Centrelink has effective processes and systems for gathering, measuring, reporting and responding effectively to customer feedback, including in relation to customer satisfaction with Centrelink services and processes.

Published: Tuesday 19 June 2007

The objective of this performance audit was to assess the administration of the National Black Spot Programme. It was undertaken in a manner similar to the audit of the Roads to Recovery Programme. Specifically, the audit approach involved:

  • examination of DOTARS records and discussions with officers in DOTARS and four of the State road transport authorities responsible for administering the Programme;
  • analysis of project monitoring, reporting and payment arrangements; and
  • selecting a sample of 45 LGA areas across four States so that ANAO could examine projects delivered with Commonwealth funding.