246 Items found
Published: Thursday 5 July 2018

The ANAO Corporate Plan 2018–19 is the ANAO's key strategic planning document. It guides our operating environment and sets out how we will deliver on our purpose. The corporate plan is complemented by the annual audit work program which reflects the ANAO's audit strategy and deliverables for the coming year.


Please direct enquiries about our corporate plan through our contact page.

Published: Friday 9 December 2022

An Audit Committee Chairs Forum was held at the Hotel Realm on Friday, 9 December 2022. The communique from the forum is now available here.


For any enquiries, please contact External.Relations@anao.gov.au

Published: Wednesday 22 May 2013

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education’s (DIISRTE’s) administration of the Education Investment Fund grants program.

(DIISRTE was the department that had responsibility for the administration of the EIF grants program during the course of the audit. The recommendations and suggestions for improvement are, however, directed to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education because this department now has responsibility for the administration of the program).

Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education; Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Wednesday 22 June 2011

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s administration of EC measures and the implementation of the pilot of new drought reform measures.

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Published: Thursday 4 February 2010

The objective of this audit was to assess whether the WSA program has been administered effectively by the NWC/DEWHA, as relevant, and is achieving its stated program objective. Specifically, the ANAO examined whether:

  • funding proposals have been assessed and approved in a fair, consistent manner and in accordance with applicable criteria, program guidelines and better practice;
  • appropriate funding arrangements have been established with proponents, having regard to the size of the grant, the type of entity involved and the nature of the project; and
  • DEWHA (and previously the NWC) is actively monitoring whether proponents are complying with their obligations, and grant payments are made only in accordance with funding agreements.

More broadly, the audit examined DEWHA's strategy for evaluating and reporting on the long-term benefits of the program.

Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts; National Water Commission
Published: Tuesday 26 June 2012

The objective of this audit was to examine the effectiveness of DMO’s implementation of its Gate Review process for major Defence capital acquisition projects.

Department of Defence
Published: Thursday 27 January 2005

Medicare is Australia's universal health insurance scheme. Underpinning Medicare is one of Australia's largest and more complex computer databases the Medicare enrolment database. At the end of 2004 the Medicare enrolment database contained information on over 24 million individuals. This audit examines the quality of data stored on that database and how the Health Insurance Commission (HIC) manages the data.

Health Insurance Commission; Medicare Australia; Human Services
Published: Wednesday 19 December 2007

The overall objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of Refresh and, in particular:

  • the extent to which Centrelink has used the funds invested by the Government to develop its IT capability and realise the anticipated service delivery, financial and other benefits; and
  • how Centrelink's programme management approach and Refresh's oversight arrangements have contributed to the achievement of the outcomes of the programme.
Published: Thursday 2 April 2020

The objective of this audit was to examine the effectiveness of bilateral agreement arrangements between Services Australia and other entities.

Across Entities

Please direct enquiries through our contact page.

Published: Wednesday 9 November 2016

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Employment and the Department of Education and Training's administration of the Shared Services Centre to achieve efficiencies and deliver value to its customers.

Department of Employment; Department of Education and Training

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.