1216 Items found
Published: Friday 18 December 1998

The audit reviewed the sale of DASFLEET, a business unit of the Department of Administrative Services, which provided passenger and general commercial vehicle leasing, rental and fleet management and maintenance services. The objectives of the audit were to review the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of the sale.

Department of Finance; Office of Asset Sales and Information Technology Outsourcing
Published: Friday 16 November 2001

The ANAO reviewed arrangements for the development of the department's fraud policy, fraud risk assessment and fraud control plan within the core functional areas of the department that are responsible for these activities. The audit also examined the operational procedures and guidelines that were in place to implement the department's fraud policy. The objective of the audit was to assess whether AFFA has implemented appropriate fraud control arrangements in line with the Fraud Control Policy of the Commonwealth and whether these arrangements operate effectively in practice.

Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry - Australia
Published: Wednesday 11 December 1996

The focus of the audit was to examine recent selected property sales within the portfolios owning the majority of Commonwealth property, ie. those of Defence, Administrative Services and Veterans' Affairs. The approach taken in the audit was to select property sales from each of the three agencies and review the files and transactions related to those sales. The sales were evaluated against criteria which included establishment of sales timetables, sales methods, and completion processes such as the criteria for the selection of tenders and accountability. The objectives of the audit were to assess departments' management of the sale process associated with selected property sales with regard to:

  • the extent to which the individual property sale objectives were achieved;
  • how departments managed the sales to ensure that the Commonwealth received fair value;
  • whether the departments' sale arrangements adequately protected the Commonwealth's interests, including minimising ongoing Commonwealth risk; and
  • identifying principles of better practice employed by agencies in connection with these sales.
Department of Administrative Services; Department of Defence; Department of Veterans' Affairs
Published: Monday 11 February 2013

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of DIAC’s management of individual management services provided to people in immigration detention.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Published: Friday 5 October 2001

The Government introduced the Defence Reform Program (DRP) in 1997 to enable Defence's resources to be focused more efficiently and effectively on its core functions. The objective of the audit was to assess Defence's management and implementation of DRP and the extent to which it achieved savings for reinvestment in the operational capabilities of the ADF.

Department of Defence
Published: Monday 25 November 1996

The objective of the audit was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative arrangements for the provision of food to the Australian Defence Force and identify possible areas for improvement. The audit criteria addressed the adequacy of policy guidance, planning, performance information and risk management in all areas of ADF food provisioning.

Across Agency
Published: Thursday 8 May 2014

The objective of the audit was to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the AEC’s implementation of the recommendation made in ANAO Audit Report No. 28 2009–10 relating to the transport and storage of completed ballot papers.

Australian Electoral Commission

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Thursday 12 December 2002

The audit theme was financial management and accountability. The audit concluded that six of the eight organisations had satisfactory payment of accounts processes and that GST administration control frameworks had been implemented. Payment of accounts processes could be improved by greater use of information technology whereas using risk management; formalising the BAS preparation procedures; and increasing monitoring and review procedures could improve GST administration.

Across Agency
Published: Wednesday 7 May 2014

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of ARPANSA’s management of the regulation of Commonwealth nuclear, radiation facilities and sources, including ARPANSA’s compliance with its legislative requirements.

Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Please direct enquiries relating to reports through our contact page.

Published: Thursday 26 November 2009

The objective of this audit is to assess whether AusAID's management of the expanding aid program supports delivery of effective aid. The audit focuses on progress of AusAID's internal reforms to achieve this objective.
