1216 Items found
Published: Wednesday 30 April 2014

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Human Services’ administration of the child support objection review process.

Department of Human Services; Department of Social Services

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Published: Thursday 13 October 2005

The objectives of the audit were to: assess the effectiveness of the key evaluation methods used to review the efficacy of the Australian Government's national counter-terrorism coordination arrangements; and examine the effectiveness of the links between the key evaluation methods, and how the key evaluation methods contribute to the process of continuous improvement.

Attorney General's Department; The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Published: Friday 20 December 2002

The ANAO assessed agencies' progress in implementing the seven recommendations of Audit Report No.47 of 1998-99, Energy Efficiency in Commonwealth Operations. The Objectives of the follow-up audit were to

(i) asses the extent to which selected Commonwealth agencies have implemented the recommendations of Report No. 47 of 1998-1999, taking account of any changed circumstances or new administrative issues identified as impacting upon implementation of these recommendations; and

(ii) offer continued assurance to the Parliament on the management of Commonwealth agencies' compliance with the Commonwealth energy efficiency requirements, and to identify areas of better practice in energy management by those agencies.

Across Agency
Published: Tuesday 24 June 1997

The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness of the action taken by the Australian Institute of Marine Science in response to the recommendations contained in 'External Funds Generation', Audit Report No.48, 1991-92.

Australian Institute of Marine Science
Published: Tuesday 19 October 2004

The ANAO Audit Report No. 51 of 2001/02, Research Project Management, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, assessed the effectiveness of CSIRO in administering research projects to deliver required results. The audit made nine recommendations designed to improve project management in CSIRO. The purpose of this follow-up audit was to assess the extent to which CSIRO has implemented the recommendations of the previous audit and of the JCPAA.

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Published: Thursday 5 February 2009

The second audit, which is the subject of this report, is a broader and more in-depth cross-portfolio audit. Its objective was to assess:

  • the planning and delivery of capital works projects by proponent agencies;
  • the extent to which projects have delivered on what was intended; and
  • the extent to which proponent agencies have complied with the requirements of the Public Works Committee Act 1969 and approved procedures.
Across Agencies
Published: Friday 24 May 2002

Robust internal budgeting processes are an essential part of effective financial management and are critical in the successful implementation of the accrual-based, outputs and outcomes framework. Effective internal budgeting should be closely intergrated with business planning processes and require a comprehensive and collaborative approach, involving input from throughout the organisation.

Across Agency
Published: Friday 22 June 2012

The objective of the audit was to examine the effectiveness of DVA's administration of mental health programs and services to support younger veterans.

Department of Veterans' Affairs
Published: Wednesday 11 December 2002

The audit examined whether the Department of Health and Ageing had the performance information necessary to administer the Australian Health Care Agreements. A strong focus of the audit was accountability for performance given the significant size of Commonwealth financial assistance, more than $29.6 billion over 5 years, provided to the States and Territories for the provision of health care services.

Department of Health and Ageing
Published: Friday 6 April 2001

The audit reviewed the Defence Department's management of the Defence Cooperation (DC) Program, through which Australia interacts with and provides assistance to security forces in South East Asia and the South Pacific. The primary aim of the program is to support Australia's defence relationships. Activities conducted through the program include training, study visits, personnel exchanges and combined exercises with elements of the various regional armed forces. The Pacific Patrol Boat Project is part of the program. The objectives of the audit were to:

1) consider how Defence assesses performance in meeting DC objectives;

2) review Defence's development of DC objectives; and

3) identify areas for improvement in managing DC resources.

Department of Defence