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New Zealand Office of Auditor-General Quality Assurance Review Report — status update
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This page lists status updates about the ANAO's progress on recommendations contained in the series of New Zealand Office of Auditor-General quality assurance review reports.
August 2024 update
New Zealand Office of the Auditor-General Quality Assurance Review Report (August 2024) – ANAO’s response
NZ OAG areas for improvement and recommendations |
ANAO Proposed follow-up action |
Documenting audit procedures We identified some issues with documenting audit procedures. We suggest that the ANAO consider improved ways of consistently documenting:
The ANAO will communicate the areas of improvement arising from the peer review to staff and reiterate the policy requirements and guidance relating to documentation of planned audit approach and changes to the planned audit approach. |
Demonstrating how materiality has been addressed In our 2022 review, we suggested that the ANAO take a more structured approach to documenting how materiality is addressed in audit files. We found some improvement in the two audit files reviewed this year. The variability between the two audits indicates that there are opportunities to promote greater consistency in documenting how materiality is considered. The ANAO has acknowledged that there is a need for further training and guidance in this area. |
Agree. The ANAO is currently trialing the documentation of materiality by expanding the documentation in the test program. This approach will be followed by training and guidance when formally approved. |
Readability of published report We have three suggestions for making the ANAO’s audit reports more reader friendly: Replace the current level 2 question headings and level 3 topic headings with headings that describe the main finding for that section. This would result in a Contents page that signals an audit’s main findings to the reader. Give the “audit expectations” sections their own heading. Because the “audit expectations” sections come immediately after the main chapter summaries, they are at risk of being overlooked. Align the level 2 headings with the audit expectations. This would signal to readers the content in each chapter and help them navigate the report. We consider these suggestions could increase the overall impact of the report and help readers to easily find the parts of the report that interest them. |
The ANAO welcomes the suggestions on how to improve the overall impact of the report and make the report more reader friendly. The ANAO will consider and assess the three suggestions for making performance audit reports more reader friendly. |
October 2022 update
New Zealand Officer of Auditor-General Quality Assurance Review Report October 2022 – August 2024 status update
NZ OAG areas of improvement and recommendations |
ANAO response |
Status |
Recent ACAG discussion groups among performance audit staff have highlighted that the various audit offices are trying to find effective ways to more consistently document how materiality is addressed during fieldwork and analysis. For the audit files we reviewed, working papers sometimes explicitly discussed materiality, such as whether minor non-compliance with organisational policies would affect the ANAO’s audit findings. In our view, a more structured approach would improve the ANAO’s ability to demonstrate how materiality has been addressed for the audit criteria. For example, the audit test program could be enhanced to include a column documenting the materiality benchmark (or performance expectation) for each audit question, and what factors would constitute an unsatisfactory audit finding. |
Agreed. The assessment of materiality is a key professional judgement and is considered throughout the audit, including when establishing the scope of the audit, developing the detailed audit criteria and evaluating the effect on the conclusion(s) of any identified findings, taken individually and in combination. The ANAO will consider further expanding the documentation of materiality assessments in performance audit procedures and templates such as the test program, sampling template and evidence collection procedures |
In progress. The ANAO is currently trialling the documentation of materiality by expanding the documentation in the test program. This approach will be followed by training and guidance when formally approved. The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board released an Exposure Draft of a Proposed Revised Standard on Assurance Engagements ASAE 3500 Performance Engagements (ED 01/24) that proposes amendments to the materiality requirements. In consideration of the proposed changes to materiality requirements, ANAO will assess the extent of changes required to the materiality policy and how best to incorporate any new requirements and guidance on setting and assessing materiality into the documentation of materiality assessments, guidance and templated work programs. |
July 2023 update
New Zealand Office of the Auditor-General Quality Assurance Review Report (October 2022) - July 2023 status update
NZ OAG findings, recommendations and areas for improvement |
ANAO response |
Status |
Recent ACAG discussion groups among performance audit staff have highlighted that the various audit offices are trying to find effective ways to more consistently document how materiality is addressed during fieldwork and analysis. For the audit files we reviewed, working papers sometimes explicitly discussed materiality, such as whether minor non-compliance with organisational policies would affect the ANAO’s audit findings. In our view, a more structured approach would improve the ANAO’s ability to demonstrate how materiality has been addressed for the audit criteria. For example, the audit test program could be enhanced to include a column documenting the materiality benchmark (or performance expectation) for each audit question, and what factors would constitute an unsatisfactory audit finding. |
Agreed. The assessment of materiality is a key professional judgement and is considered throughout the audit, including when establishing the scope of the audit, developing the detailed audit criteria and evaluating the effect on the conclusion(s) of any identified findings, taken individually and in combination. The ANAO will consider further expanding the documentation of materiality assessments in performance audit procedures and templates such as the test program, sampling template and evidence collection procedures |
In-progress ANAO has completed its annual review of performance audit policy and methodology and has agreed with the performance audit methodology group to include an area for documentation of materiality benchmarks in the test program template. This will be completed to coincide with release of updates to the TeamMate library file. |
December 2022 update
Status updates for September 2016 and December 2018 peer review reports
NZ OAG finding, recommendations and areas for improvement |
ANAO response |
Status – October 2022 |
New Zealand Officer of Auditor-General Quality Assurance Review Report September 2016 |
For both audits, sign-offs needed during the reporting phase of the audit were missing. However, it was clear from the files that senior staff had reviewed reports at important stages. |
Completed The follow-up actions were confirmed as addressed as part of the 2016-17 ANAO Quality Assurance program. |
New Zealand Officer of Auditor-General Quality Assurance Review Report December 2018 |
Locating key documents and sign-offs The reviewers sometimes found it difficult to find documentation for significant stages of the audit (for example, some sign-offs could not be found). At times, it was unclear which file was a final version. We suggest having a more structured approach to audit documentation including consistent naming conventions and putting the important documents in one place in the filing system. We understand that performance audit teams are piloting audit software as an option. |
For performance audits using the ANAO’s document management system as the audit file: PSRG will present to all staff on the findings from the peer review and will encourage staff to clearly label saved items as final versions. PSRG will work with PASG Practice Management to develop a guide on naming conventions for key documents and approvals saved in the document management system. |
Completed Findings from the NZ Peer Review were shared with staff at the All PASG staff meeting held in March 2019. As performance audits used audit software from 1 July 2019, guidance on naming conventions for the document management system was not considered to be necessary. |
IT audit services Both the audits had used IT audit services. Clearer documentation of the IT service specifications of the services would be useful. This includes naming the IT audit staff assigned, and describing how they will work with the audit team (for example, in the team or independently with set outputs). It would also be useful for documentation to include a description of the tasks, lines of responsibility, relevant outputs, and time frames. |
Addressed by existing follow-up action An existing follow up action from the 2017-18 PASG internal Quality Assurance program on the clear documentation of the IT audit scope, procedures and results will address this better practice recommendation. SADA and PASG have developed IT Audit Memorandums and the Audit Work Plan template includes the responsible IT Executive. PSRG are drafting the ANAO Audit Manual policies for engagement of IT specialists to ensure it is consistent between AASG and PASG. |
The IT Audit Executive is identified in the Audit Work Plan and IT sign-off is incorporated into the audit methodology. Specific policy requirements regarding the involvement of the IT Audit Executive was added to the ANAO Audit Manual – PASG Specific volume released in 2019. |
Independence declarations It was difficult to assess the completeness of Independence Declaration documentation for the audits. As team members and senior staff changed through an audit, the Audit Work Plan did not necessarily have the full list of people who may have worked on the audit. Ensuring staff put their job title on the declarations would help. |
Addressed – no follow up action required. Practice changes have been implemented to address findings regarding completion of Independence Declarations arising from internal Quality Assurance reviews of AASG and PASG engagements and the Internal Audit on compliance with ANAO policies have addressed this recommendation. It is the responsibility of the Engagement Executive to ensure that all team members have signed a declaration by checking to ‘time charged’ records prior to signing the completion and Policy compliance checklists. |
Not applicable |
Test Programmes The audits reviewed did not prepare test programmes after completing their Audit Work Plans. Even if a test programme is not prepared, detailing how the intended methodology will ensure the evidence collected will address the audit criteria would be useful. This can provide extra assurance that the planned fieldwork will generate the evidence needed to address the audit criteria. |
Addressed by existing follow up action PSRG and PASG are working on the implementation of consistent test programs as a current action item arising from an internal PASG Quality Assurance review. The project will incorporate the recommendation from the NZ Peer Review to ensure it addresses the points made in the detailed test programs. PSRG will also request a copy of their test program template. |
Completed Test program guidance was released and minor policy updates were made in the ANAO Audit Manual – PASG Specific volume released in July 2019. |